« SEWA paper series ». Self Employed Women's Association, SEWA, Ahmedabad, India.
K. Nimpuno,
« Sewage disposal in developing countries : a survey of methods ». Bouwcentrum International Education (BIE), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, p. 49 p. : fig., tab.
S. H. A. R. E. Sanitation Equity,
« SHARE Policy Briefing ». Sanitation and Hygiene Applied Research for Equity, SHARE, London, UK.
I. Guest,
« Shishir of Bangladesh ». UNICEF, Geneva, Switzerland, p. Slide series (30 slides + text, 8p.).
G. B. National I. Silsoe,
« Simple water pump ». National Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Silsoe, UK, p. 8 p. : techn.drwng.
SIWI report. Stockholm, Sweden: Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI).