Title | Methodes economiques d'analyse des eaux et des eaux usees dans les pays en voie de developpement : manuel pour l'utilisateur de la trousse a analyser l'eau |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 1975 |
Authors | Reid, GW |
Pagination | i, 29 p.: fig., tab. |
Date Published | 1975-09-01 |
Publisher | University of Oklahoma. Bureau of Water and Environmental Resources Research |
Place Published | Norman, OK, USA |
Keywords | biochemical (biological) oxygen demand, chlorine residual, coliforms, dissolved oxygen, ph, temperature, testing, turbidity, wastewater |
Custom 1 | 250 |
Translated Title | Appropriate methods of treating water and wastewater in developing countries : water test kit I : user's manual |