Title | Micro projet de vulgarisation des postes d'eau potable (PEP) et les lave-mains (LM) aupres des revendeuses de denrees alimentaires et des menages de la ville de Lome |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Authors | E. Tepe, D |
Pagination | 6 p. : tab. |
Date Published | 2004-01-01 ? |
Publisher | Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout (CREPA) |
Place Published | Lome, Togo |
Keywords | extension, health education, projects, sanitation, togo lome, water supply |
Abstract | |
Custom 1 | 304, 824, 203.2 |
Translated Title | Micro project for the promotion of drinking water and hand-washing facilities with the dealers of food commodities and households of the city of Lome |