1: Concept
2: Policies
3: Partnerships
4: References
5: Cases
6: Publications
7: Institutions
8: Articles


Table of contents

Foreword and introduction

Part 1: Concept

Integrated water resource management; channelling SNV's water activities, prepared by SNV and IRC

Part 2: Policy

Developments in irrigation from the perspective of integrated water resource management: an exploration of topics and institutions, prepared by LUW

Water supply and sanitation: an overview of the national and international sector policy and analysis of the Dutch stakeholders in the sector, prepared by IRC

Wetlands and the relevance for development co-operation, prepared by AIDEnvironment

Part 3: Partnerships

About Netherlands Water Partnership, prepared by NWP

"Voortgangsnotitie Water", prepared by the Water Support Unit of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Part 4: References

Information in Holland about the water sector, prepared by IRC

CVs of Dutch consultants with expertise in the water sector, prepared by SNV

Part 5: Cases

Case study in Peru on irrigated agriculture: Water management in micro-catchments, methods developed in the northern Peruvian Andes

Case study in Benin on drinking water supply: Support for building contract management by local administrators manual in Benin 

Case study in Zambia on wetland preservation: Fisheries co-management in Zambia, frame survey Luapula 

Part 6: Publications

List of selected publications on irrigation

List of selected publications on water supply and sanitation

List of selected publications on wetland preservation and rehabilitation

Part 7: Institutions

Water related institutions in the Netherlands, prepared by IRC

Part 8: Articles

SNV articles in Searching for Equity. Conceptions of Justice and Equity in Peasant Irrigation, R. Boelens & G. D�vila eds. (Assen: Van Gorcum, 1998).