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Ayers, T.
Bowen, A.
et al.
, 2012.
Association between intensive handwashing promotion and child development in Karachi, Pakistan : a cluster randomized controlled trial
. , p.p. 1037 - 1044.
Publié le: 29/04/2013
A total of 461 children who were enrolled in a trial of household-level handwashing promotion in 2003 and were younger than 8 years at reassessment...
Imanishi, M.
et al.
, 2014.
Household water treatment uptake during a public health response to a large typhoid fever outbreak in Harare, Zimbabwe
5ᵉ éd., (90) United States: The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
Publié le: 21/11/2014
Locally manufactured sodium hypochlorite (chlorine) solution has been sold in Zimbabwe since 2010. During October 1, 2011–April 30, 2012, 4,181...
Nguyen, V.D.
et al.
, 2014.
Cholera Epidemic Associated with Consumption of Unsafe Drinking Water and Street-Vended Water—Eastern Freetown, Sierra Leone, 2012
. , vol. 90 (no. 3), p.p. 518-523.
Publié le: 16/05/2014
During 2012, Sierra Leone experienced a cholera epidemic with 22,815 reported cases and 296 deaths. We conducted a matched case-control study to...
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