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Found 23552 results
S. S. Nasir Khisro, Youna, M., Ahmad, M., Tahir, M. N., et Khan, M. A., « Community led total sanitation in Pakistan », in South Asia Sanitation and Hygiene practitioners' workshop papers, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2008, p. p. 190 - 200; 2 tab.
S. A. Qutub, Salam, N., Shah, K., et Anjum, D., « Community-based sanitation for urban poor : the case of Quetta, Pakistan », presented at the 11/2008, Delft, The Netherlands, 2008, p. 16 p. : 6 fig.; 1 box; 5 tab.
J. Sy et Setiawan, D., « Community-managed water supply systems and their experience in mutual support and pooling arrangements (Indonesia) ». Water and Sanitation Program - East Asia and the Pacific, WSP-EAP, Jakarta, Indonesia, p. 33 p. : 10 fig., 10 tab., 2008.
B. van Koppen, Smits, S., Moriarty, P. B., F. de Vries, P., et IRC, « Community-scale multiple-use water services: ‘MUS to climb the water ladder’ : a paper presented at the International symposium on multiple-use.. », presented at the 2008-11-04, S.l., 2008, p. 7 p.; 2 tab.
G. H. WaterAid - Accra, « Comparison and adaption of social change dynamics for the collective abandonment of open defecation : report ». WaterAid, Accra, Ghana, p. 77 p.; 26 tab.; 4 fig., 2008.
E. Tilley, Lüthi, C., Morel, A., Zurbrugg, C., et Schertenleib, R., Compendium of sanitation systems and technologies. Duebendorf, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG), 2008, p. 158 p. : fig.
J. T. Visscher et IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, « Conflict mediation in the water and sanitation sector : and how to reach solutions », vol. no. 22. IRC, Delft, The Netherlands, p. 42 p., 2008.
M. Gauss, « Constructed wetlands : a promising wastewater treatment system for small localities experiences from Latin America ». Water and Sanitation Program - Latin American and Carribean Region, Lima, Peru, p. 55 p. : fig., tab., 2008.
D. Whittington, Hanemann, W. M., Sadoff, C., et Jeuland, M., « Copenhagen consensus 2008 challenge paper : sanitation and water : water and sanitation challenge paper ». Copenhagen Consensus Center, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 139 p. : 16 fig., 31 tab., 2008.
« Copenhagen consensus challenge paper ». Copenhagen Consensus Center, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2008.
R. Developmen Government, « Costing of implementation plan of the inter-governmental fiscal framework ». Ghana, Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Environment, Accra, Ghana, p. 39 p. : tab., 2008.
M. Adank, Belete, B., et Jeths, M., « Costs and benefits of multiple use of water : a case from Ethiopia ». p. 8 p., 2008.
M. D. Adank, Jeths, M., Belete, B., Chaka, S., Lema, Z., Tamiru, D., et Abebe, Z., « The costs and benefits of multiple uses of water : the case of Gorogutu woreda of East Hararghe zone, Oromiya Regional States, eastern Ethiopia », nᵒ 7. RiPPLE Office, c/o WaterAid Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p. 71 p., 2008.
H. Arney, Damodaran, S., Meckel, M., Barenberg, A., et White, G., « Creating access to credit for water and sanitation : women's self-help groups in India  », presented at the 2008-11-19, Delft, The Netherlands, 2008, p. 11 p.; refs; 2 tab.; 1 fig.
A. Pradhan et Jones, O., « Creating user-friendly water and sanitation services for the disabled : the experience of WaterAid Nepal and its partners », in South Asia Sanitation and Hygiene practitioners' workshop papers, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2008, p. p. 343 - 356; 3 boxes .
N. P. WaterAid - Kathmandu, « Creating user-friendly water and sanitation services for the disabled : the experience of WaterAid Nepal and its partners ». WaterAid, Kathmandu, Nepal, p. 16 p. : boxes, photogr., 2008.
A. Kalimuthu et Yakub, Y., « Crossfire: 'Community-led total sanitation is the best method of achieving sustainable sanitation for all in rural areas' », Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. pp. 177-183, 2008.
S. Bloomfield et Mansoor, A. A., « Crossfire: 'The involvement of the local and small private sector is critical for improving watsan services to the urban poor'  », Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. p. 263-269, 2008.
T. Chakma, Godfrey, S., Bhatt, J., Rao, P. V., Meshram, P., et Singh, S. B., « Cross-sectional health indicator study of open defecation-free villages in Madhya Pradesh, India », Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. pp. 236-247, 4 fig., 4 tab., 18 ref., 2008.
A. Henry et Carcas, S., « De la regulation economique a la regulation des comportements », in Economie et droit de la regulation des infrastructures : perspectives des pays en voie de developpement, 2008, p. 9 p.
B. van Oostrom et Dietvorst, C., « Decentralisation and the role of NGOs in combating corruption in the WASH sector », in Decentralized local governance : perspectives and experiences, 2008, p. P. 214-223.
S. Widmalm, Decentralisation, corruption and social capital : from India to the West. New Delhi, India: SAGE Publications, 2008, p. 229 p.: fig., tab.
B. Dafflon et Madies, T., « Decentralisation : quelques principes issus de la theorie du federalisme finiancier ». Agence Francaise de Developpement, Paris, France, p. 117 p. : boxes, fig., tab., 2008.
B. Tuladhar, Shrestha, P., et Shrestha, R., « Decentralised wastewater management using constructed wetlands », in South Asia Sanitation and Hygiene practitioners' workshop papers, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2008, p. p.86 - 94; 2 fig.; 3 tab.; 4 boxes.
S. Menon, Decentralized local governance : perspectives and experiences. Hyderabad, India: Icfai University Press, 2008, p. xi, 244 p. : fig., tab.


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