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B. Woods, Communication, technology and the development of people. London, UK: Routledge, 1993, p. xvi, 158 p.: 12 fig., 3 tab.
I. N. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Ne Delhi, « Community based handpump maintenance India Mark II & India Mark III (VLOM) : WATSAN committee members training : trainer's guide ». UNICEF, New Delhi, India, p. 17 p.: fig., 1993.
I. N. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Ne Delhi, « Community based handpump maintenance India Mark II & India Mark III (VLOM) handpump mechanics training : trainer's guide ». UNICEF, New Delhi, India, p. 18 p.: fig., 1993.
I. N. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Ne Delhi, « Community based handpump maintenance India Mark II & India Mark II (VLOM) : how to conduct motivational campaigns : trainer's guide ». UNICEF, New Delhi, India, p. 48 p.: ill., 1993.
I. N. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Ne Delhi, « Community based handpump maintenance India Mark II & India Mark III (VLOM) : caretaker's training : trainer's guide ». UNICEF, New Delhi, India, p. 20 p.: fig., 1993.
W. P. Meyer, « Community involvement in municipal solid waste collection in two West African cities : findings of a mission », IRCWD news, p. p. 11-15: 1 tab., 3 photogr., 1993.
R. Schertenleib et Meyer, W., « Community involvement in municipal solid waste management », Gate : technology and development, p. p. 25-28: photogr., 1993.
B. Mikkelsen, Yulianti, Y., et Barre, A., « Community involvement in water supply in West Java », Environment and urbanization, p. p. 52-67: 2 fig., 1993.
L. K. S. E. V. A. N. A. T. H. A. Rajagiriya, « Community managed sewer disposal system : process and progress ». SEVANATHA, Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka, p. 12 p. : fig., map, photogr., 1993.
E. Bwengye, « Community management in Bushenyi », in Water, sanitation, environment and development : proceedings of the 19th WEDC conference, Accra, Ghana, 6-10 September 1993, 1993, p. P. 225-226.
B. Appleton et Evans, P., « Community management today : the role of communities in the management of improved water supply systems », vol. no. 20. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. iv, 35 p.: 34 box., 1 tab., 1993.
S. Githendu, Mbugua, J., Hartung, H., et Peter, P., « Community participation for sustainable water and sanitation ». FAKT, Stuttgart, Germany, p. 25 p.: drwngs, 1993.
S. Baldwin et Cervinskas, J., « Community participation in research : proceedings of a workshop held in Nairobi, Kenya, 23-27 September 1991 ». International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Ottawa, Ont, Canada, p. 116 p.: fig., tab., 1993.
J. Gavin, Hockley, T., et Joyce, S., « Community sanitation improvement and latrine construction program : a training guide », vol. no. 83. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. ca. 520 p.: fig., tab., 1993.
WHO -New Delhi, IN, World Health Organization, « Community water supply and sanitation in South-East Asia region : International Drinking Water Supply & Sanitation Decade assessment and perspective for the 1990s ». World Health Organization South-East Asia Regional Office, New Delhi, India, p. ii, 110 p. : 2 fig., 2 tab., 1993.
S. S. Shrivastava, « Community, women and domestic water », in Water, environment and management : proceedings of the 18th WEDC Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal, 30 August - 3 September 1992, 1993, p. P. 275-278: 3 tab., photogr.
E. Philipps, « Como manejar un centro de documentacion : un manual de biblioteca para organizaciones no gubernamentales especializadas en tecnologia apropriada y desarrollo rural ». German Appropriate Technology Exchange (GATE) /Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Eschborn, Germany, p. 209 p. : fig., 1993.
J. T. Visscher, G. C., G., et Fernandez, J., « Comparative study of different pre-treatment alternatives », Aqua : journal of water supply research and technology, p. p. 337-346: 7 fig., 5 tab., 1993.
P. Roark, Bateman, O. M., et Smith, S., « A comparison of the health effects of water supply and sanitation in urban and rural areas of five African countries », vol. no. 398. Environmental Health Project (EHP), Arlington, VA, USA, p. xii, 98 p.: 31 fig., 24 tab., 1993.
UN Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific -Bangkok,TH, ESCAP, Computer applications for groundwater assessment and management, vol. no. 73. New York, NY, USA: United Nations, 1993, p. xi, 157 p.: 72 fig., 8 map., 18 tab.
S. Dash, « Computerised MIS for RWS programme », in Water, environment and management : proceedings of the 18th WEDC Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal, 30 August - 3 September 1992, 1993, p. P. 39-41.
A. Durand-Lasserve, « Conditions de mise en place des systemes d'information fonciere dans les ville d'Afrique sud-saharienne francophone », vol. no. 8. UNDP/UNCHS/World Bank-Urban Management Programme, c/o World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. xi, 89 p. : 2 fig., 1 tab., 1993.
F. Rosensweig et Joyce, S., « Conducting a team planning meeting for studies and concept development tasks : facilitator's guide », vol. no. 87. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. viii, 37 p., 1993.
S. Joyce, Solo, T. M., et Perez, E. A., « Constraints in providing water and sanitation services to the urban poor », vol. no. 85. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. xi, 35 p., 1993.
J. P. Chudy, « Constraints to producing and collecting urban environmental health data in Central America », vol. no. 429. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. x, 35 p.: 2 fig., 15 tab., 1993.


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