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Found 23538 results
A. Y. Metaferia, « Water vending in urban areas in Ethiopia », in Workshop on management of urban water services, Tampere 25.4.1991, 1993, p. P. 44-51: 4 tab.
C. Allsebrook, « Water wisdom ». Guthrie Allsebrook & Co, Oxford, UK, p. 200 p.: fig., photogr., 1993.
G. B. WaterAid - London, « WaterAid in Tanzania ». WaterAid, London, UK, p. video (7 min.): VHS, 1993.
G. B. WaterAid - London, « WaterAid : technical handbook ». WaterAid, London, UK, p. Loose-leaf (ca. 350 p.): fig., tab., 1993.
V. Cardenas, Saad, C., Varona, M., et Linero, M., « Waterborne cholera in Riohacha, Colombia, 1992 », Bulletin of the Pan American Health Organization, p. p. 313-330: 3 fig., 7 tab., 1993.
I. Imparato, « WG/U report adopted at the Rabat meeting of the Council (September 1993) », presented at the 1993-01-01, Geneva, Switzerland, 1993, p. 157 p.
R. Pareja et Andino, I., « When a logo is more than just a logo », in Notes from the field in communication for child survival, 1993, p. P. 97-102 : ill.
Z. Mda, When people play people : development communication through theatre. London, UK: ZED Books, 1993, p. x, 250 p.: 17 fig., 1 map, 6 tab.
J. Briscoe, « When the cup is half full : improving water and sanitation services in the developing world », Environment, p. p. 6-15, 28-37: 6 box., 6 fig., 7 photogr., 2 tab., 1993.
J. - O. Drangert, Who cares about water? : a study of household water development in Sukumaland, Tanzania, vol. no. 85. Linkoping, Sweden: Linkoping University, Department of Water and Environmental Studies, 1993, p. 300 p.: fig., tab.
I. N. Aga Khan R. Ahmedabad, « Winds of change : a video profile on the Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India) ». Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India), Ahmedabad, India, p. Video (25 min.) : VHS, 1993.
D. O. I. N. S. T. R. A. W. - S. Domingo, « Women and environment », INSTRAW news, p. p. 1-56: photogr., 1993.
G. Reardon, Women and the environment, vol. 1. Oxford, UK: Oxfam, 1993, p. ii, 62 p.: photogr.
M. San Lin, « Women and water-related environmentally sound, sustainable development : translating policies and concepts into action », in Interregional workshop on the role of women in environmentally sound and sustainable development. Vol. I : proceedings of the workshop, 1993, p. P. 134-179: 1 tab.
C. Bhadra, « Women as managers : experience in Nepal », in Water, environment and management : proceedings of the 18th WEDC Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal, 30 August - 3 September 1992, 1993, p. P. 14-17: 1 tab.
A. Bagchee, « Women in agricultural resource management », presented at the 1993-01-01, Washington, DC, USA, 1993, p. 19 p.
B. D. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Dhaka, « Women leading sanitation intervention : Kushura sanitation experience ». UNICEF, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. 29 p. : fig., map, tabs., 1993.
C. A. van Wijk-Sijbesma et Heijnen, E., « Women, water and sanitation : a summary document 1993 ». IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. ii, 34 p.: ill., 1993.
A. Y. Sangodoyin, « Women's role in rural water supply and development : trends and expectations in Nigeria », The environmentalist, p. p. 255-261, 1993.
N. Danhof et Gielen, M., « Wood : a local option for handpump bearings », Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. p. 23-25: 5 fig., 1993.
C. Furedy, « Working with the waste pickers : Asian approaches to urban solid waste management », Alternatives, p. p. 18-23 : 4 photogr., 1993.
G. H. Kumasi Hea Kumasi, « Workshop manual for the training of primary school teachers in the use of participatory health education techniques ». Kumasi Health Education Unit, Kumasi, Ghana, p. ca. 35 p.: drwngs., 1993.
H. Morange et Mashauri, D. A., « Workshop on management of urban water services, Tampere 25.4.1991 », vol. no. 48. Tampere University of Technology, Institute of Water and Environmental Engineeri, Tampere, Finland, p. 115 p.: fig., tab., 1993.
UNICEF -New York, NY, US, « [Workshop on Planning for Health and Socio-Economic Benefits in the Water and Sanitation Sector : various papers] », presented at the 1993-01-01, New York, NY, USA, 1993, p. 11 papers/reports.
N. L. W. H. O. Europ Bilthoven, « Workshop on the priority of environmental health issues in relation to policies and investments in Central and Eastern Europe : conclusions and recommendations », vol. no. 15. World Health Organization European Centre for Environment and Health, Bilthoven, The Netherlands, p. 10 p., 1993.


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