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Found 23538 results
World Meteorological Organization -Geneva, CH, WMO, « Conference internationale sur l'eau et l'environnement : le developpement dans la perspective du 21eme siecle, 26-31 janvier 1992, Dublin, Irlande : declaration de Dublin et rapport de la conference ». World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, p. vii, 57 p., 1992.
World Meteorological Organization -Geneva, CH, WMO, « Conferencia internacional sobre el agua y el medio ambiente : cuestiones de desarrollo para el siglio 21, 26-31 enero de1992, Dublin, Irlanda : la declaracion de Dublin y informe de la conferencia ». World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 5 + 34 p., 1992.
Gof Ghana - GH, « The constitution of the republic of Ghana  ». Government of Ghana, Accra, Ghana, p. 190 p., 1992.
C. L. Choguill, Silva-Roberts, A. M., et Wood, F. E., « Construction and housing information needs in the Third World : an international survey », Journal of information science, p. p. 355-362: 2 tab., 1992.
W. C. Baum et Kirmani, S. S., The consulting profession in developing countries : a strategy for development, vol. no. 149. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1992, p. xiv, 85 p.: 4 fig.
A. Lievre, Fernex, J., et Atudorei, V., « Contamination bacterienne des eaux de boisson : recherche de l'origine (humaine ou animale) par l'identification des streptocoques fecaux », Gas Wasser Abwasser, p. p. 895-901 : 2 fig., 6 tab., 1992.
A. W. Karp, « Contracting NGOs to implement rural water and sanitation projects in Bolivia », Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. p. 23-27: 5 photogr., 1992.
D. K. D. A. N. I. D. A. - Copenhagen, « Copenhagen informal consultation on integrated water resources development and management, 11-14 November, 1991 : case studies : Nordic Freshwater Initiative ». DANIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 5 papers: fig., tab., 1992.
N. Freshwater Initiative, « Copenhagen report : implementation mechanisms for integrated water resources development and management : report from Copenhagen Informal Consultation, November 11-14, 1991 ». DANIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. ii, 60 p.: fig., 1992.
M. J. F. van Pelt et Timmer, R. A., « Cost-benefit analysis for non-economists ». Netherlands Economic Institute (NEI), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, p. 182 p.: boxes, fig., tab., 1992.
G. Le Moigne, Barghouti, S., Feder, G., Garbus, L., et Xie, M., « Country experiences with water resources management : economic, institutional, technological and environmental issues », vol. no. 175. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 213 p.: tab. + 9 maps, 1992.
F. W. Pontius, « A current look at the federal drinking water regulations », Journal American Water Works Association, p. p. 36-50: 5 tab., photogr., 1992.
D. K. D. A. N. I. D. A. - Copenhagen, « DANIDA sector policies for water supply and sanitation [1992] ». DANIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 102 p.: 2 fig., 1 tab., 1992.
D. K. D. A. N. I. D. A. - Copenhagen, Water, Eand Minera, et Development, W. Affairs an, « Danida water project : a handbook containing guidelines for planning and implementation of sustainable rural water supply and environmental sanitation projects in Iringa, Mbeya and Ruvuma regions ». MAJI/DANIDA Inter-Region Review Committee, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. c. 200 p.: fig., tab., 1992.
T. Pekin, Clark, M., et Bondelid, T., « Danube Emissions Management Decision Support System (DEMDESS) : user manual ». Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. iii, 226 p.: fig., 1992.
K. R. Bulusu et Nawlakhe, W. G., « Defluoridation ». National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, NEERI, Nagpur, India, p. viii, 61 p., [7] p. pl.: 8 fig., 18 tab., 1992.
D. T. Lauria et Cizerle, K. D., « Deriving design standards for rural water systems : case studies using water demand data from Ecuador, Guatemala, and Honduras », vol. no. 78. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. viii, 33 p.: 10 fig., 8 tab., 1992.
WHO. Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean -Alexandria, EG, EMRO, « Design and construction, operation and maintenance and performance monitoring of Mit Mazah sewage treatment plant ». World Health Organization Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office, Alexandria, Egypt, p. 103 p.: fig., tab., tech. drwngs, photogr., 1992.
WHO. Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean -Alexandria, EG, EMRO, « Design and construction, operation and maintenance and performance monitoring of El Nazlah sewage treatment plant ». World Health Organization Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office, Alexandria, Egypt, p. 113 p.: fig., tab., tech. drwngs, photogr., 1992.
J. Harnmeijer, « Design of health impact evaluation of water supply with fluorosis as indicator », in Endemic fluorosis in developing countries : causes, effects and possible solutions : report of a symposium held in Delft, The Netherlands, April 27th, 1990, 1992, p. P. 45-50.
M. Yhdego, Lunddal, M., et Mogensen, U., « Designing wastewater lagoons for tropical climates », Water and wastewater international, p. p. 47-50 : 1 fig., 2 tab., 1992.
A. Pacey et Cullis, A., A development dialogue : rainwater harvesting in Turkana. London, UK: IT Publications, 1992, p. viii, 126 p. : 18 fig., 10 tab., 8 p. pl.
D. P. L. Brown et Hurtado, E., « Development of a behavior-based monitoring system for the health education component of the rural water and health project, CARE-Guatemala », vol. no. 364. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. 97 p.: fig., tab., ill., 1992.
K. B. Kurup, « Development of low cost sanitation in India : an historical review », Jalasandesh, p. p. 2-5, 1992.
T. Katko, « The development of water supply associations in Finland and its significance for developing countries », vol. no. 8. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. ix, 57 p.: fig., 1992.


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