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K. E. U. N. E. P. - Nairobi, « Report on the environmental situation in the occupied Palestinian and other Arab territories : report of the executive director », presented at the 1991-01-01, Nairobi, Kenya, 1991, p. 24 p.: tab.
Y. Bogaarts, « Report on the gender analysis training, 21-28 November 1990, Mitra dalam Pembangunan, Partners in Development ». DHV, Palopo, Indonesia, p. 97 p.: fig., tab., photogr., 1991.
F. Kwaule, « Report on the workshop for the Piped Supplies for Small Communities Project in Malawi held at Bvumbwe Agriculture Research Station Thyolo from 24th February - 2nd March, 1991 ». Malawi, Ministry of Works and Supplies, Water Department, Lilongwe, Malawi, p. 35 p., 1991.
World Bank. Regional Water and Sanitation Group for West and Central Africa -Abidjan, CI, Groupe Regional Eau et Assainissement Afrique de l'Ouest / GREA-AO, « Republic of Ghana : rural water supply and sanitation sector strategy ». World Bank Regional Water and Sanitation Group Western Africa, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, p. iv, 60 p.: fig., tab., map, 1991.
T. S. Katko, « Reselling and vending water », Journal American Water Works Association, p. p. 63-69: fig., tab., photogr., 1991.
J. Besselink, « Resultats des etudes socio-economiques et de la consommation d'eau potable dans les trois grands villages Mokko, Dogon Kiria et Kore Mairoua ». InterAction Design, Arnhem, The Netherlands, p. 57 p. + annex (6 p.): tab., map, 1991.
R. Massey, « Re-using refuse in Benin », Source, p. p. 24-27: photogr., 1991.
F. A. Bell, « Review of effects of silver-impregnated carbon filters on microbial water quality », Journal American Water Works Association, p. p. 74-76: 4 tab., 1991.
U. Winblad, « Review of the SIDA supported health, water and sanitation programme, Zimbabwe, Manicaland / Mashonaland East ». SIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Stockholm, Sweden, p. 15 p. : tab., 1991.
PAHO -Washington, DC, US, « Risk of cholera transmission by foods », Bulletin of the Pan American Health Organization, p. p. 274-277, 1991.
B. Pathak, Road to freedom : a sociological study on the abolition of scavenging in India. New Delhi, India: Motilal Banarsidass, 1991, p. xiv, 254 p., [10] p. pl.: 76 tab., map, 2 tech. drwngs.
International Institute for Environment and Development -London, GB, IIED, « RRA notes : number 10 », vol. no. 10. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK, p. 34 p. : fig., tab., 1991.
International Institute for Environment and Development -London, GB, IIED, « RRA notes : number 12 », vol. no. 12. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK, p. 57 p.: fig., map, 1991.
A. Wilson, « Rural areas water and sanitation plan », in Infrastructure, environment, water and people : proceedings of the 17th WEDC Conference, United Nations Centre for Human Settlement (Habitat), Nairobi, Kenya, 19-23 August 1991, 1991, p. P. 125-128: map.
L. K. National W. Ratmalana, Cowater International -Ottawa, Ont., CA, Colombo, L. K. Engineerin, Moratuwa, L. K. Sarvodaya, et Water and Sanitation Program -Washington, DC, US, WSP, « Rural water supply district development plans Matara, Ratnapura and Badulla Districts : volume 1 : summary : volume 2 : institutions, policy, implementation strategy ». Cowater International, Ottawa, Ont, Canada, p. 2 vols (vol. 1, 141 p.; vol 2, 255 p.) : fig., tab., 1991.
R. Ramasubban, Singh, B., Bhatia, R., Griffin, C. C., Kim, C., et Briscoe, J., « Rural water supply in Kerala, India : how to emerge from a low-level equilibrium trap ». Urban Institute, Washington, DC, USA, p. 47 p.: 3 fig., 11 tab., 1991.
K. M. A. Aziz, Hasan, K. Z., Patwary, M. Y., et Hoque, B. A., « Rural women in sanitation programmes », in Infrastructure for low-income communities : proceedings of the 16th WEDC conference : Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental Studies (RCUES), Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, 27-31 August, 1990, 1991, p. p. 25-27.
S. K. Lwanga et Lemeshow, S., Sample size determination in health studies : a practical manual. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 1991, p. viii, 80 p.: 14 tab.
UNICEF -New York, NY, US, « SANAA/UNICEF HONDURAS ». UNICEF, p. video (18 min.): VHS, 1991.
Y. Galarza, Hurtado, C., et Hurtado, C., « Saneamiento ambiental, disposición de desechos y calidad de vida de las mujeres en Bolivia ». Quito, Ecuador, p. p. 89-97, 1991.
P. E. C. E. P. I. S. - Lima, Lima, P. E. U. N. I. C. E. F. -, et PE, P. Ministerio, « Saneamiento y salud ». CEPIS (Centro Panamericano de Ingenieria Sanitaria y Ciencias del Ambiente), Lima, Peru, p. 8 p.: ill., 1991.
F. A. Anti, « Sanitation : a construct-it-yourself manual on VIP latrine : a supporting manual to findings from WaterAid (GH)'s research October 1990 ». WaterAid, p. 67 p.: 64 drwngs., 1991.
B. Brandberg, « The SanPlat system : lowest cost environmental sanitation for low income communities based on experiences from Mozambique, Malawi and Angola ». SBI Consulting International, Trollhattan, Sweden, p. 57 p.: fig., poster, 1991.
N. R. Anguera, « Scabies an uneasy and underestimated infectious skin disease ». London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK, p. 38 p., 1991.
E. Robson, « Scaling down Manila's waste mountains », Source, p. p. 16-19: photogr., 1991.


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