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R. H. B. Exell, « Solar-powered water pumping in Asia and the Pacific ». United Nations, New York, NY, USA, p. v, 55 p.: 14 fig., 8 tab., 5 maps, 1991.
A. Al-Mohani, Heederik, J. P., et van Dalfsen, W., « Sources for Sana'a Water Supply (SAWAS - II Project) : progress report 91-3, no. 8 : reporting period July - September 1991 ». National Water and Sewerage Authority, Sana'a, Yemen, p. 6 p., 1991.
PAHO -Washington, DC, US, « Special report : water supply and sanitation », Bulletin of the Pan American Health Organization, p. p. 87-96, 1991.
C. Hafner, Campbell, D. B., et Chauvin, J., « Status report on GARNET », in Collaborative council global forum, Oslo, September 18-20, 1991 : collected papers, 1991, p. 20 p.: tab.
Socio-Economic Units, Kerala -Trivandrum, IN, « Status report : socio-economic units of the Kerala water authority, India : Women in the water and sanitation programme ». Kerala Water Authority, Socio-Economic Units, Calicut, India, p. 9 + 15 p (appendices), 1991.
S. Volbeda et Dijkgraaf, C., « Stedelijke armoede en verarming op de woningmarkt in de Derde Wereld », Internationale spectator, p. p. 138-142, 1991.
B. Hydbom, « Step draw-down pumping test », vol. no. 4. UNICEF, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 14 p.: fig., 1991.
R. K. Siddhi et Joshi, V. R., « Strategies for a sanitation master plan », in Infrastructure, environment, water and people : proceedings of the 17th WEDC Conference, United Nations Centre for Human Settlement (Habitat), Nairobi, Kenya, 19-23 August 1991, 1991, p. P. 97-101: 4 fig.
G. J. Alaerts, Blair, T. L., et Hartvelt, F. J. A., « A strategy for water sector capacity building : proceedings of the UNDP symposium, Delft, 3-5 June, 1991 », vol. 24. IHE (International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering), Delft, The Netherlands, p. 191 p. : fig., tab., 1991.
K. D. Kappus, Hopkins, D. R., Ruiz-Tiben, E., Imtiaz, R., Andersen, J., Azam, M., et Attiq, A., « A strategy to speed the eradication of dracunculiasis », World health forum, p. p. 220-225: 3 fig., 1991.
M. Gibbons et Kowlasky, B., « On strong shoulders : planning exercises for partnering and local institution-building activities ». Save the Children (US), Westport, CT, USA, p. 20, 22 p., 1991.
R. G. A. Feachem, Cousens, S. N., Daniels, D. L., et Makoae, L. N., « A study of the association between improved sanitation facilities and children's height in Lesotho », European journal of clinical nutrition, p. p. 23-32: 1 fig., 3 tab., 1991.
UN Economic Commission for Africa -Addis Ababa, ET, ECA, « Study on large-scale water transfer in Africa ». United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p. 39, 24 p.: 3 fig., 4 tab., 1991.
I. N. U. P. Jal Nig Allahabad, « Study report on model tariff and consumption pattern in the village Ahladganj under Dutch credit programme in district Allahabad ». UP Jal Nigam, Second Circle, Allahabad, India, p. 7 p. (annexes ca. 100 p.) : 1 map, tab., 1991.
L. F. Requena et Myton, B. A., « Surface and groundwater contamination in selected watersheds in Southwestern El Salvador », vol. no. 354. Environmental Health Project (EHP), Arlington, VA, USA, p. xvii, 152 p.: 1 fig., 4 maps, photogr., 16 tables, 1991.
E. A. R. Ouano et Cairncross, S., Surface water drainage for low-income communities. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 1991, p. v, 88 p.: fig., photogr., tab.
A. R. Bergen, « Suriname watervoorziening V ». National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, The Netherlands, p. 71 p. : tab. , ill., 1991.
R. Rojas, Lloyd, B. J., Wheeler, D., Pardon, M., Wedgwood, K., et Bartram, J., Surveillance and improvement of Peruvian drinking water supplies. Guildford, UK: University of Surrey, Robens Institute, 1991, p. xii, 54 p.: fig., tab., photogr.
B. J. Lloyd et Helmer, R., Surveillance of drinking water quality in rural areas. Harlow, UK: Longman Publishers, 1991, p. xvi, 171 p.: fig., tab., photogr.
I. Rajiv Gand IN, « Survey of status of drinking water supply in rural habitations ». Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission, New Delhi, India, p. 30 p., 1991.
D. R. Ghimire, « Sustainable and least cost gravity water supply for a rural community in the hills ». University of Leeds, Department of Civil Engineering, Liverpool, UK, p. 180 p.: fig., 1991.
I. T. F. A. O. - Rome, « Sustainable development and management of land and water resources : background document no. 1 ». Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy, p. 22 p., 1991.
S. E. S. I. D. A. - Stockholm, « Swedish support to water suppply and environmental sanitation ». SIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Stockholm, Sweden, p. 13 p., 1991.
S. K. Makhanu, « A systematic approach to local project appraisal », in Infrastructure, environment, water and people : proceedings of the 17th WEDC Conference, United Nations Centre for Human Settlement (Habitat), Nairobi, Kenya, 19-23 August 1991, 1991, p. P. 89-92: 2 fig.
G. K. Bambrah, « Systematic project planning and appraisal », in Infrastructure, environment, water and people : proceedings of the 17th WEDC Conference, United Nations Centre for Human Settlement (Habitat), Nairobi, Kenya, 19-23 August 1991, 1991, p. P. 73-76: 7 fig.,.


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