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F. I. Plancenter Helsinki, « Zanzibar urban water supply development plan 1991-2015 : annexes ». Plancenter, Helsinki, Finland, p. ca 200 p.: fig., tab., 1991.
F. I. F. I. N. N. I. D. A. - Helsinki et Zanzibar (State). Ministry of Water, Energy, Construction, Land and Environment -TZ, « Zanzibar urban water supply development plan : institutional arrangements and human resources development ». FINNIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Helsinki, Finland, p. 126 p. + 27 p. annexes: fig., map, tab., 1991.
F. I. F. I. N. N. I. D. A. - Helsinki et Zanzibar (State). Ministry of Water, Energy, Construction, Land and Environment -TZ, « Zanzibar urban water supply development plan : water resources study ». FINNIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Helsinki, Finland, p. 3 vols. (61, 250, 13 p.): 25 fig., 13 map., 1991.
F. I. F. I. N. N. I. D. A. - Helsinki et Zanzibar (State). Ministry of Water, Energy, Construction, Land and Environment -TZ, « Zanzibar urban water supply development project : I Implementation phase 1991 - 1994 : project document ». FINNIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Helsinki, Finland, p. x, 45, 23 p. annexes: fig., tab., 1991.
Z. W. Blair Rese Harare, « The Zimbabwe Bush pump : a manual for the installation, dismantling and maintenance of the "B" type Bush pump ». Blair Research Laboratory, Harare, Zimbabwe, p. 27 p.: drawing, 1991.
E. Chimbunde et Mtero, S., « Zimba(b)we's upgraded well programme », in Infrastructure, environment, water and people : proceedings of the 17th WEDC Conference, United Nations Centre for Human Settlement (Habitat), Nairobi, Kenya, 19-23 August 1991, 1991, p. P. 111-113: 1 fig., 2 tab.
U. Frohlich, « 25 Jahre Projektarbeit in Kamerun : Erfahrungen, Erkentnisse und Lehren ». Helvetas, Swiss Association for Development and Cooperation, Zurich, Switzerland, p. 74, 17 p.: fig., tab., 1990.
UNICEF -New York, NY, US, « 341 World summit on children ». UNICEF, Division of Information and Public Affairs, New York, NY, USA, p. Video (13 min.): VHS, Pal, 1990.
United Nations Economic and Social Council -New York, NY, US, « Achievements of the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade 1981-1990 : report of the Economic and Social Council : report of of the secretary-general ». United Nations Economic and Social Council, New York, NY, USA, p. 30 p., 1990.
PAHO -Washington, DC, US, « Action of the Pan American Health Organization in the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade 1981-1990 : environmental health program report », in Regional conference on water supply and sanitation : evaluation of the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade and projections towards the year 2000, Puerto Rico, 4-6 September de 1990, 1990, p. v, 34 p. 1 tab.
B. Shore et Young, D., « Advantages of rehabilitation over replacement ». Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, p. 31 p., ann. 6 p.: tab., 1990.
E. T. U. N. E. C. A. - Add Ababa, « African charter for popular participation in development and transformation (Arusha 1990) : international conference on popular participation in the recovery and development process in Africa, Arusha, Tanzania, 12-16 February 1990 ». United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p. iv, 73 p., 1990.
M. Webster et Johnson, B., « Africare Nigeria: field investigation of causes of failed water supply boreholes and pumping systems in Imo and Akwa Ibom States, Nigeria », vol. no. 286. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. vii, 88 p.: map., photogr., tab., 1990.
World Bank -Washington, DC, US, The Aga Khan rural support program in Pakistan : second interim evaluation. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1990, p. x, 134 p. : fig., tab., map.
P. K. Aga Khan F. Gilgit, « The Aga Khan Rural Support Programme : briefing notes ». Aga Khan Foundation, Gilgit, Pakistan, p. 22 p. : fig., tab., map, 1990.
I. L. Nyumbu, Scott, M., Seager, M., et Wang, C., « Agua potable y saneamiento : manual de principios y metodos financieros ». World Health Organization, Community Water Supply & Sanitation Unit, Geneva, Switzerland, p. iv, 100 p.: fig., 1990.
S. Chandra, Bell, M., Klugman, J., et Brown, B., AIDAB and water development : sector review, vol. no. 8. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1990, p. vi, 36 p.: box, fig., photogr., tab.
G. Marino et Rapacci, M. L., « Album mujer y tecnologia apropiada para el tratamiento del agua ». ENDA America Latina, Bogota, Colombia, p. 32 p.: ill., 1990.
I. N. Kerala Wat Trivandrum, « All India seminar on financing and management of water supply schemes 1990, Thiruvanathapuram ». Kerala Water Authority, Trivandrum, India, p. 171 p.: fig., tab., 1990.
G. P. Kruseman et de Ridder, N. A., Analysis and evaluation of pumping test data, 2nd rev. ed.ᵉ éd., vol. no. 47. Wageningen, The Netherlands: International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement, 1990, p. 377 p.: fig., tab.
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A. Younis, Sabea, H., et S. Katsha, E., « The Anne White health education summer clubs established at six primary schools in Menoufia Governorate : final report ». American University in Cairo, Social Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt, p. 19 p., 1990.
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A. T. Odonkor, « An answer : water health education ». WaterAid, Accra, Ghana, p. 31 p.: ill., 1990.
J. S. McCullough et Walker, J., « Application of the WASH financial management guidelines to Indonesia's autonomous water supply enterprises », vol. no. 289. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. viii, 31 p.: tab., 1990.


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