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Found 23538 results
N. L. Tearfund H. Driebergen, « Christians in urban development ». Tearfund Holland, Driebergen-Rijsenburg, The Netherlands, p. 48 p. : fig., 1990.
E. Robson, « Cleaning up Mali : and making it pay », Source, p. p. 10-13 : photogr., 1990.
S. B. Feresu et van Sickle, J., « Coliforms as a measure of sewage contamination of the River Zambezi », Journal of applied bacteriology, p. p. 397-403: fig., tab., 1990.
deCoura S. Cuentro et Gadji, D. Malla, « The collection and management of household garbage », in The poor die young : housing and health in Third World cities, 1990, p. P. 169-188 : tab.
E. Zwart, « Collection of reports on health education programme activities ». Yemen, Ministry of Electricity and Water, Dhamar, Yemen, p. 134 p., 1990.
N. L. B. K. H. Consul Hague, « Comments on the policy followed in the low-cost sanitation component of the Quetta sewerage and sanitation project : a report based on findings in the Quetta sewerage and sanitation pilot project and the BUSTI project in Baldia (Karachi) ». BKH Consulting Engineers, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 25 p.: fig., map, 1990.
N. Bosma, « Communication approaches in rural water supply programs », vol. no. 32. IHE (International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering), Delft, The Netherlands, p. 72, 34 p.: fig., 1990.
B. Cuenya, Almada, H., Armus, D., Castells, J., Di Loreto, M., et Penalva, S., « Community action to address housing problems : the case of San Martin in Buenos Aires, Argentina », in The poor die young : housing and health in Third World cities, 1990, p. P. 25-55: tab., map.
U. G. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Kampala, « Community based water source maintenance systems : workshop report and papers ». UNICEF, Kampala, Uganda, p. 10 papers : tab., fig., map, drwng., 1990.
C. Kerr, Community health and sanitation. London, UK: IT Publications, 1990, p. xii, 317 p.: fig., tab.
P. B. Christensen et Karlqvist, S., « Community health workers in a Peruvian slum area : an evaluation of their impact on health behaviour », Bulletin of the Pan American Health Organization, p. p. 183-196: fig., photogr., tab., 1990.
F. Cleaver, « Community maintenance of handpumps ». University of Zimbabwe, Department of Rural and Urban Planning, Harare, Zimbabwe, p. 147 p.: tab., fig., 1990.
CARE -New York, NY, US, « Community management enhancement workshop, May 6-17, 1990, Sohag, Egypt ». CARE, New York, NY, USA, p. 76 p.: drawing, 1990.
G. Yanore, « Community management of rural water supplies by the Ghana Water and Sewerage Corporation », in Proceedings of the meeting of the Operation and Maintenance Working Group : Geneva, 19-22 June 1990. Volume 2. Case studies on operation and maintenance of rural and urban water supply systems, 1990, p. p. 37-41.
D. Yohalem, McCommon, C., et Warner, D. B., « Community management of rural water supply and sanitation services », vol. no. 67. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. xi, 49 p.: tab., 1990.
M. Mwangola et Waterkeyn, J., « Community participation and health education : a KWAHO experience in Kenya », in Decade consultative meeting on water supply and sanitation 1981-90 : Harare, 26-30 November 1990 : proceedings and resolutions, 1990, p. Ca. 10 p.
M. Woodhouse, « Community participation and sustainable development : the case of the Kibwezi water project in Kenya », in Society, environment and health in low-income countries, 1990, p. P. 170-179.
I. N. Indian Hum Delhi, Delhi, I. N. Asian Cent, et IHS -Rotterdam, NL, Institute for Housing Studies, « Community participation for sanitary management in an urban slum, Delhi : a case study on Harkeshnagar », vol. no. 24. Indian Human Settlements Programme, New Delhi, India, p. 66 p. : fig., map, tab., 1990.
M. Letsch, « Community participation for water supply and sanitary facilities in low-income urban areas in Asia : a discussion on the 'hard' reality of the 'soft-side' ». University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, p. 150 p.: ill., 1990.
UP Development Systems Corporation -Lucknow, IN, UPDESCO, « Community participation in rural water supply and sanitation : field actions and sharing of experiences in bilateral programme in Uttar Pradesh », presented at the 1990-01-01, Lucknow, India, 1990, p. 29 p.: fig., photogr.
J. Hubley, « Community participation theory and practice in health education », Health action, p. p. 5-9: ill., 1990.
B. A. Doyle, « Community participation towards greater self-reliance in rural water supplies ». London School of Economics, Dept. of Social Science and Administration, London, UK, p. iv, 51 p., 1990.
M. Yacoob, « Community self-financing of water supply and sanitation : what are the promises and pitfalls? », Health policy and planning, p. p. 358-366, 1990.
F. I. F. I. N. N. I. D. A. - Helsinki, Helsinki, F. I. Kefinco -, et KE, K. Ministry o, « Community training syllabus : pump attendants training seminar ». Kefinco, Helsinki, Finland, p. 31 p. : drawing, 1990.
K. Mueller, « Community water supply and sanitation programme Western Region : annual report 1989/90 ». Helvetas, Swiss Association for Development and Cooperation, Pokhara, Nepal, p. 28 p. + 22 p. ann.: tab., 1990.


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