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Found 23538 results
B. Madsen, « A community-based handpump rehabilitation and maintenance programme », Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. p. 10-12: photogr., 1990.
L. A. H. Msukwa, « Community-based operation and maintenance of rural water supplies : towards increased community participation ». University of Malawi, Centre for Social Resarch, Zomba, Malawi, p. iv, 66 p. : tab., 1990.
D. 'A. D. Case, « The community's toolbox : the idea, methods and tools for participatory assessment, monitoring and evaluation in community forestry », vol. no. 2. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy, p. vi, 146 p.: ill., 1990.
N. P. New Era - Kathmandu, « A comparative evaluation of the UNICEF assisted semi-urban sanitation pilot programme and the East Consult's sanitation action programme ». New Era, Kathmandu, Nepal, p. xiv, 152 p.: fig., tab., 1990.
B. J. Lloyd, Graham, M. J. D., et Barrott, L. P., « Comparative evaluation of two novel disinfection methods for small-community water treatment in developing countries », Aqua : journal of water supply research and technology, p. p. 396-404: fig., tab., 1990.
E. Lacey, « Comparison between hand dug and hand augered wells : based on experiences in Zambia and Zimbabwe ». p. 17 p.: fig., tab., 1990.
F. W. Pontius, « Complying with the new drinking water quality guidelines », Journal American Water Works Association, p. p. 32-52: tab., 1990.
N. - W. Frontier P. PK, « Concept development for PHED integrated rural water supply and sanitation schemes : the integrated concept ». Community Participation Team, Public Health Engineering Department (PHED, Peshawar, Pakistan, p. ca. 50 p., 1990.
J. Narrowe, Poluha, E., Engstrand, G., Idemalm, A., et Melchert, J., Concern and responsibility : an evaluation of the Dodota Water Supply Project in Ethiopia, vol. no. 1990/1. Stockholm, Sweden: SIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, 1990, p. 75 p.
C. H. I. L. O. - Geneva et Nairobi, K. E. Institute, « Constructing the reinforced water tank = Kujenga tangi ya maji iliyo ngumu ». Institute of Cultural Affairs, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 19 p. : ill., 1990.
N. Ruizhu et Xutong, S., « Construction and development of city and town water supply in People's Republic of China », Water supply : the review journal of the International Water Supply Association, p. p. 20-28: tab., 1990.
UNDP -New York, NY, US, « Consultation mondiale sur l'eau potable et l'assainissement pour les 1990, le 10-14 Septembre de 1990, New Delhi, India : safe water 2000 : declaration de New Delhi ». UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), New York, NY, USA, p. 8 p., 1990.
UNDP -New York, NY, US, « Consultation mondiale sur l'eau salubre et l'assainissement pour les annes 90, New Delhi, Inde, 10-14 septembre 1990 : document de reference », presented at the 1990-01-01, New York, NY, USA, 1990, p. x, 97 p.: fig.
M. Woodhouse, « Consumer involvement in bacteriological testing of well water in Kibwezi, Kenya », Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. p. 22-24: photogr., tab., 1990.
A. S. Benenson, Control of communicable diseases in man : an official report of the American Public Health Association, 15th ed.ᵉ éd. Washington, DC, USA: American Public Health Association (APHA), 1990, p. xxvii, 532 p.
M. Falkenmark, Lundqvist, J., et Widstrand, C., « Coping with water scarcity : implications of biomass strategy for communities and policies », International journal of water resources development, p. p. 29-43, 1990.
S. Babala, Cost analysis in rural water supply in Mbeya Region, Tanzania, vol. no. 42. Tampere, Finland: Tampere University of Technology, Institute of Water and Environmental Engineeri, 1990, p. 50 p.: fig., tab.
L. Wahadan, Dodge, C. P., Ekvall, T., et Yousif, M. A., « Cost effective water and sanitation in Sudan », Water quality bulletin, p. p. 11-17: fig., 1990.
T. S. Katko, « Cost recovery in water supply in developing countries », International journal of water resources development, p. p. 86-94: fig., 1990.
A. Okorafor, Okore, A., McPhail, A., et Whittington, D., « Cost recovery strategy for rural water delivery in Nigeria », vol. no. 369. World Bank, Infrastructure and Urban Development Department, Washington, DC, USA, p. 36 p. : fig., tab., 1990.
C. Fengshu et Lunzhang, S., « Country overview : People's Republic of China », in Women and water : domestic shallow well water supplies, the family handpump scenario : proceedings of a regional seminar "Women and Water - the Family Handpump", Manila, 29 August - 1 September 1989, 1990, p. P. 191-200 : fig.
T. Khair et Islam, A. S. M. Imdadul, « Country paper : Bangladesh », in Women and water : domestic shallow well water supplies, the family handpump scenario : proceedings of a regional seminar "Women and Water - the Family Handpump", Manila, 29 August - 1 September 1989, 1990, p. p. 71-93 : map., tab.
C. A. Sudjarwo et Renyaan, V., « Country paper : Indonesia », in Women and water : domestic shallow well water supplies, the family handpump scenario : proceedings of a regional seminar "Women and Water - the Family Handpump", Manila, 29 August - 1 September 1989, 1990, p. P. 95-116 : map., tab.
K. Ijaz et Barq, S. A., « Country paper : Pakistan », in Women and water : domestic shallow well water supplies, the family handpump scenario : proceedings of a regional seminar "Women and Water - the Family Handpump", Manila, 29 August - 1 September 1989, 1990, p. P. 117-140 : map., tab.
L. Hidalgo et Avendano, A. M., « Country paper : Philippines », in Women and water : domestic shallow well water supplies, the family handpump scenario : proceedings of a regional seminar "Women and Water - the Family Handpump", Manila, 29 August - 1 September 1989, 1990, p. P. 141-161 : fig., map, tab.


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