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R. J. Krol, « Investigations of the NWS&DB Bandarawela water supply schemes Wellawaya, Welimada, Thanamalwila ». Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, p. 74 p.: fig., 1990.
C. Bartone, Bernstein, J. D., et Wright, F., « Investments in solid waste management : opportunities for environmental improvement », vol. WPS405. World Bank, Policy, Research and External Affairs Complex, Washington, DC, USA, p. v, 85 p.: 6 fig., 5 tab., 1990.
T. Sumbung, « The involvement of women in the management of village water supply and sanitation : results from an action-research programme carried out in the framework of the West Java Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (OTA-33) ». Yayasan Melati, Jakarta, Indonesia, p. 21 p. : fig., 1990.
J. M. Waithaka et Kingori, J. N., « Involving women in planning and implementing environmental health improvements », in Society, environment and health in low-income countries, 1990, p. P. 180-186 : tab.
« IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre Annual Report 1989 ». IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 83 p. : fig., maps, photogr., 1990.
« January 1990 », VITA news. 1990.
P. Wirojanagud et Vanvarothorn, V., « Jars and tanks for rainwater storage in rural Thailand », Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. p. 29-32: photogr., tab., 1990.
T. - TZ, « Joint review of community participation and health education in the Kigoma Water Supply Programme (Tan 055) ». NORAD, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, Oslo, Norway, p. 59 p., 1990.
D. McNeill, Kruger, A., et Klepsvik, I., « Joint review of TAN 055 Kigoma water programme ». NORAD, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, Oslo, Norway, p. 38 p.: tab., 1990.
T. Katko, Hukka, J., et Seppala, O., « Kenya water sector : discussion paper ». Tampere University of Technology, Institute of Water and Environmental Engineeri, Tampere, Finland, p. 95 p.: fig., tab., 1990.
K. E. Kefinco - Kakamega, Helsinki, F. I. F. I. N. N. I. D. A. -, et KE, K. Ministry o, « Kenya-Finland Western Water Supply Programme : annual report Jul 89 - Jun 90 ». Kefinco, Helsinki, Finland, p. 42 p. + annexes (ca. 70 p.) : fig., tab., 1990.
F. I. F. I. N. N. I. D. A. - Helsinki, Helsinki, F. I. Kefinco -, et KE, K. Ministry o, « Kenya-Finland Western Water Supply Programme : quarterly review Jul 90 - Sep 90 ». FINNIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Helsinki, Finland, p. 19 p. + annexes (ca. 48 p.) : fig., tab., 1990.
R. Sen, « Kerala rural water supply & sanitation project : a unique exercise in government and donor coordination ». S.n., New Delhi, India, p. 5 p., 1990.
A. K. Sood et Kapil, U., « Knowledge and practices among rural mothers in Haryana about childhood diarrhea », Indian journal of pediatrics, p. p. 563-566, 1990.
E. Bolt et Heeger, J., « The Kwemakame drinking water project in Tanzania ». Agricultural University Wageningen, Wageningen, The Netherlands, p. 29 p.: fig., photogr., 1990.
M. Elmendorf, « La Decennie de l'Eau Potable et de l'Assainissement et la participation des femmes », vol. no. 2. World Health Organization, Community Water Supply & Sanitation Unit, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 33 p.: photogr., 1990.
K. E. Kemper et Guldbrand, K. E., « La Malienne : a comparative study of two hand-pump projects in Casamance, Senegal ». Linkoping University, Department of Management and Economics, Linkoping, Sweden, p. v, 89, 8 p.: fig., tab., map., photogr., 1990.
F. R. Fondation Limoges, « La pose des canalisations pour l'adduction et la distribution de l'eau potable », vol. no. 12. Fondation de l'Eau, Limoges, France, p. 72 p.: fig., 1990.
S. Vigneswaran et Joshi, D., « Laboratory development of a small-scale iron removal plant for rural water supply », Aqua : journal of water supply research and technology, p. p. 300-308: fig., tab., 1990.
UN Economic Commission for Lation America and the Caribbean -Santiago, CL, ECLAC / CEPAL, « Latin America and the Caribbean : financing water-related investments in the eighties ». United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Santiago, Chile, p. vi, 74 p.: fig., tab., 1990.
H. A. Garn, « Le financement des services d'approvisionnement en eau et d'assainissement », presented at the 1990-01-01, Geneva, Switzerland, 1990, p. iii, 28 p.: fig., tab.
I. N. C. H. E. T. N. A. - Ahmedabad et Geneva, C. H. Aga Khan F., « Learning for life : health education for and by children : report of a workshop, New Delhi, 24-26 April, 1990 ». Centre for Health Education, Training and Nutrition Awareness (CHETNA), Ahmedabad, India, p. 51, ix p.: drawing, 1990.
Meridian Corporation -Alexandria, VA, US et Eversley, G. B. I. T. Power -, « Learning from success : photovoltaic-powered water pumping in Mali ». US Committee on Renewable Energy Commerce and Trade, Washington, DC, USA, p. viii, 59 p.: fig., map, tab., 1990.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, « Legal issues in water resources allocation, wastewater use and water supply management : report of a consultation of the FAO/WHO working group on legal aspects of water supply and wastewater management (Geneva, 25-27 September 1990) ». World Health Organization, Community Water Supply & Sanitation Unit, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 48 p., 1990.
Office National de l'Eau Potable -Rabat, MA, ONEP, « Les economies d'eau ». Office National de l'Eau Potable, ONEP, Rabat, Morocco, p. 52 p.: fig, ill., 1990.


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