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Y. van Hees, « Palembang en de strijd tegen de lekke waterleidingen : Fries 'Mallenmolenfeest' bezorgt dorpje schoon water », Internationale samenwerking, p. p. 18-20 : photogr., 1989.
P. Adamson, « Para la vida : un reto de comunicacion ». UNICEF, Facts for Life Unit, New York, NY, USA, p. xii, 78 p.: photogr., 1989.
D. E. G. T. Z. - Eschborn, « Participacion comunitaria y la educacion en materia de higiene (PCEH) », vol. no. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Eschborn, Germany, p. ca. 210 p.: fig., photogr., tab., 1989.
L. Tjeng, « Participatie van vrouwen in drinkwaterprojekten in Tanzania ». Agricultural University Wageningen, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Wageningen, The Netherlands, p. iii, 83 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
D. E. G. T. Z. - Eschborn, « Participation communautaire et education sanitaire (PCES) », vol. no. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Eschborn, Germany, p. various paging: fig., photogr., tab., 1989.
J. McCracken et Scoones, I., « Participatory rapid rural appraisal in Wollo : peasant association planning for natural resource management ». International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK, p. 93 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
PROWWESS -New York, NY, US et PACT -New York, NY, US, « Participatory training for water / sanitation : training of trainers workshop ». UNDP PROWWESS (Promotion of the Role of Women in Water Supply and Sanitation), New York, NY, USA, p. Video (24 min.): VHS, 1989.
I. Richardson, « Partnerships in low-cost water technology », Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. p. 2-7: photogr., 1989.
D. T. Lauria, Mu, X., et Whittington, D., « Paying for urban services : a study of water vending and willingness to pay for water in Onitsha, Nigeria : case study ». World Bank, Infrastructure and Urban Development Department, Washington, DC, USA, p. iii, 34 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
R. Franceys et Usman, B., « Paying for water », in Water, engineering and development in Africa : proceedings of the 15th WEDC Conference, Kano, Nigeria, 3-7 April 1989, 1989, p. p. 132-135: fig.
G. T. Cigolotti, « The pedestal pit latrine », Journal of ferrocement, p. p. 373-374, 1989.
D. Narayan-Parker, « PEGESUS : a planning and evaluation framework in partnership with people ». UNDP PROWWESS (Promotion of the Role of Women in Water Supply and Sanitation), New York, NY, USA, p. i, 12 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, « People in focus : how the Brazilian water and sanitation company Sanepar achieved success by putting its staff and customers first », vol. no. 5. World Health Organization, Community Water Supply & Sanitation Unit, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 36 p.: photogr., 1989.
I. N. Kerala Wat Trivandrum, « People's participation : SEU's experiences and approaches : position paper ». Kerala Water Authority, Socio-Economic Units, Trivandrum, India, p. 75 p., 1989.
S. K. Gadkari, Kaul, S. N., Badrinath, S. D., Deshpande, V. P., et Dixit, R. C., « Performance evaluation of continuous flow iron removal pilot plant », Asian environment, p. p. 31-38: fig., tab., 1989.
G. B. Public Hea London, « Performance of fabric protected slow sand filters treating poor quality river water ». Imperial College, Department of Civil Engineering, Public Health and Water Resea, London, UK, p. 76 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
A. G. Bhole, « Performance studies of a few natural coagulants », Asian environment, p. p. 48-53: tab., 1989.
R. F. Carroll et Ashall, G. J., « A permeable lining for seepage pits », Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. p. 30-32: fig., photogr., 1989.
N. Barrett, « Philippines first water supply, sewerage and sanitation sector project ». World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 49 p + annexes, 1989.
J. S. McCullough, « Philippines : local water utilities administration », in Urban management in Asia : issues and opportunities, 1989, p. P. 151-160: tab.
B. J. Lloyd et Suyati, « A pilot rural water surveillance project in Indonesia », Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. p. 10-13: fig., tab., ill., 1989.
M. Boesveld, « Piped supplies for small communities (PSSC) project : ideas on how to develop a manual ». IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 17 p., 1989.
R. J. Garlick, « Pipeline rehab completed in India », Water and wastewater international, p. p. 41-43 : fig., photogr., 1989.
D. K. D. A. N. I. D. A. - Copenhagen et TZ, T. Ministry o, « Plan of operation : Rural Water Supply Programme for national and regions : January 1990 - December 1994 ». DANIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. ca. 80 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
A. Appan, Wing, L. Kam, et Villareal, C. J., « The planning, development and construction of a typical RWCS project using the total concept : a case study in the province of Capiz », in Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Rain Water Cistern Systems : 2-4 August 1989, Manila, Philippines, 1989, p. P. C3-1 - C312 : 2 fig., 2 tab.


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