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A. Prost et Negrei, A. D., « Water, trachoma and conjunctivitis », Bulletin of the World Health Organization, p. p. 9-18: tab., 1989.
UN Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific -Bangkok,TH, ESCAP, « Water use statistics in the long-term planning of water resources development », vol. no. 64. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Bangkok, Thailand, p. vii, 114 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
D. A. Okun, Lauria, D. T., Mu, X., et Whittington, D., « Water vending activities in developing countries : a case study of Ukunda, Kenya », International journal of water resources development, p. p. 158-168: fig., tab., 1989.
I. A. Richardson, « WaterAid and the Third World : a parnership in low-cost technology », Journal of the Institution of Water and Environmental Management, p. p. 188-197: fig., tab., 1989.
American Water Works Association -Denver, CO, US, AWWA, « Waternet thesaurus ». American Water Works Association, Denver, CO, USA, p. i, 34 p., 1989.
E. Robson, « Waterprojekten op Altiplano worden voor het eerst gecoordineerd aangepakt : donoren bundelen hun krachten in Bolivia », Internationale samenwerking, p. p. 24-26 : photogr., 1989.
J. M. Kalbermatten, « WaterTech USA : a program for helping developing nations », Journal American Water Works Association, p. p. 39-44: photogr., tab., 1989.
F. Brughuis, « Watervoorziening voor de Derde Wereld ». Twente University of Technology, Technology and Development Group, Enschede, The Netherlands, p. 50 p.: fig., 1989.
Z. A. University Pietermaritzburg, « The WATSNU literature database ». University of Natal, Dep. of Economics, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, p. 37 p., 1989.
C. Gampher et Gates, S., « Well construction using curved hollow block ». Haribon Foundation, Manila, Philippines, p. 115 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
K. E. Groundwate Nairobi, « Well siting guide », vol. vol. 2. Groundwater Survey (Kenya), Nairobi, Kenya, p. 60 p. + 20 p. ann.: fig., tab., 1989.
UNDP -New York, NY, US et WHO. Regional Office for the Western Pacific -Manila, PH, WPRO, « WHO/UNDP [water] supply and sanitation consultative meeting of Pacific Island Countries, Suva, Fiji, 26 June-1 July 1989 : report ». World Health Organization Western Pacific Regional Office, Manila, Philippines, p. 49 p., 1989.
M. Fukumoto, del Aguila, R., Kendall, C., et Pederson, D., « Why do mothers wash their hands? », Dialogue on diarrhoea, p. p. 5: photogr., 1989.
P. Lindskog et Lundqvist, J., Why poor children stay sick : the human ecology of child health and welfare in rural Malawi, vol. no. 85. Uppsala, Sweden: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1989, p. 111 p.: fig., tab.
M. Mujwahuzi, McMahon, G., Choe, K., et Whittington, D., « Willingness to pay for water in Newala district, Tanzania : strategies for cost recovery », vol. no. 246. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. x, 205 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
J. van Meel et Smulders, P., Wind pumping : a handbook, vol. no. 101. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1989, p. xx, 273 p.: fig., photogr., tab.
L. Iyer, « Women and drinking water : report on participation of women in the Indo-Dutch Drinking Water Programme ». Netherlands Embassy, India, New Delhi, India, p. 16 p., 1989.
World Bank -Washington, DC, US, « Women and rural household water supplies », in Kenya : the role of women in economic development, 1989, p. P. 87-98: tab.
S. Kompaore, « Women as managers of village water resources », Natural resources forum, p. p. 319-321, 1989.
World Bank -Washington, DC, US, Women in Pakistan : an economic and social strategy. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1989, p. xxxi, 192 p.: 10 fig., 12 tab.
C. Glennie, « Women in water supply and sanitation : a report on the Regional Training Seminar on Women's Contribution to the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade, organized by ESCAP and INSTRAW, Bangkok, 23-27 January 1989 ». UNICEF, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. 6 p., 1989.
A. U. White et S. Katsha, E., « Women, water, and sanitation : household behavioral patterns in two Egyptian villages », Water international, p. p. 103-111, 1989.
E. O. Sebaie, Hussein, A., Younis, A., et S. Katsha, E., Women, water, and sanitation : household water use in two Egyptian villages, vol. no. 1. Cairo, Egypt: American University in Cairo, Social Research Centre, 1989, p. xiv, 96 p.: fig., tab.
S. Melchior, « Women, water and sanitation or counting tomatoes as well as pumps ». UNDP PROWWESS (Promotion of the Role of Women in Water Supply and Sanitation), New York, NY, USA, p. 22 p., 1989.
D. General fo DGIS, « Women, water and sanitation : policy on an operational footing : main points & checklist », vol. no. 2. Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 16 p., 1989.


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