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Found 23538 results
« Basic primary science and health for Uganda : health education. Pupil's book six », Basic primary science and health for Uganda : health education. p. vi, 80 p. : ill., 1988.
« Basic primary science and health for Uganda : health education. Pupil's book seven », Basic primary science and health for Uganda : health education. p. vi, 76 p. : ill., 1988.
G. Smethurst, Basic water treatment for application world-wide, 2nd ed.ᵉ éd. London, UK: Thomas Telford, 1988, p. 216 p.: fig., tab.
A. Kapoor, Kannapiran, C., Munjal, S., et Malhotra, K., « Basics of documentation ». Voluntary Health Association of India, New Delhi, India, p. 89 p. : fig., 1988.
D. van der Kooij, « Biodeterioration of rubber rings from Gujarat, India ». p. 6 p.: tab., 1988.
P. Morgan, « Blair research bulletins for rural water supply and sanitation ». Blair Research Laboratory, Harare, Zimbabwe, p. vii, 343 p.: fig., 1988.
A. Brown, « Bolgatanga community water and sanitation pilot project (UNDP/World Bank/GWSC) : report on rural latrines demand survey and delivery strategies ». UNDP - World Bank - Rural water and sanitation group, Accra, Ghana, p. xi, 47 p.; 3 bijl.; 11 fig.; 7 tab., 1988.
P. - O. Ahlberg, Drangert, J. - O., Egner, E. B., et Somolekae, G., « Botswana : evaluation of the village water programme : final report ». SIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Gaborone, Botswana, p. 73 p., 1988.
Z. W. Blair Rese Harare, « Bucket pump manual for field workers ». Blair Research Laboratory, Harare, Zimbabwe, p. 28 p.: fig., 1988.
T. O. Institute Nuku'alofa, « Building a ferrocement water tank », vol. no. 9. University of the South Pacific, Institute of Rural Development, Nuku'alofa, Tonga, p. 16 p.: ill., 1988.
J. Baltazar, Briscoe, J., Mesola, V., Moe, C., Solon, F., Vanderslice, J., et Young, B., « Can the case-control method be used to assess the impact of water supply and sanitation on diarrhoea? : a study in the Philippines », Bulletin of the World Health Organization, p. p. 627-635: tab., 1988.
H. T. C. A. R. E. - Port-au-Prince, « CARE International : training materials ». CARE International, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, p. 1 lettre & 4 manuals: ill. (photo's), 1988.
D. Narayan-Parker, « Case study on women's involvement in community water systems : the PKK experience ». World Health Organization South-East Asia Regional Office, New Delhi, India, p. 252 p.: fig., tab., 1988.
WHO. Regional Office for South-East Asia -New Delhi, IN, SEARO et Colombo, L. K. I. R. E. D. -, « Case study on women's participation in water supply and sanitation ». World Health Organization South-East Asia Regional Office, New Delhi, India, p. iv, 152 p.: map, tab., 1988.
S. N. Cousens, Feachem, R. G., Kirkwood, B., Mertens, T. E., et Smith, P. G., « Case-control studies of childhood diarrhoea ». World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 4 vol. (37, 25, 21, 23 p.) : fig., tab., 1988.
J. Baltazar, Briscoe, J., et Young, B., « Case-control studies of the effect of environmental sanitation on diarrhoea morbidity : methodological implications of field studies in Africa and Asia », International journal of epidemiology, p. p. 441-447: tab., 1988.
U. Lindskog, Lindskog, P., Carstensen, J., Larsson, Y., et Gebre-Medhin, M., « Childhood mortality in relation to nutritional status and water supply : a prospective study from rural Malawi », Acta paediatrica scandinavica, p. p. 260-268 : 3 fig., 2 tab., 1988.
N. L. D. H. V. - Amersfoort, Rotterdam, N. L. I. W. A. C. O. -, et ID, I. Department, « Clean water for the district capitals : IKK water supply ». Video Centrum Nederland, Soest, The Netherlands, p. video (15 min.): VHS, Pal, 1988.
« Clean water supply projects in Indonesia ». S.n., S.l., p. video (13 min.) : VHS, 1988.
J. J. Guibbert, « Cogestion de los desechos en Rocinha : la experiencia de saneamiento comunitario de la FEEMA en las favelas de Rio de Janeiro : Brasil », in Saneamiento alternativo o alternativas al saneamiento : actas del 1er seminario latinoamericano sobre saneamiento alternativo, Medellin, Colombia, Julio 24-29 de 1987, 1988, p. P. 463-487 : fig.
B. J. Dutka, Ratto, A., El-Shaarawi, A. H., Lopez, C., et Vega, C., « Coliphage association with coliform indicators : a case study in Peru », Toxicity assessment, p. p. 519-533: fig., tab., 1988.
D. J. Casley et Kumar, K., The collection, analysis and use of monitoring and evaluation data. Baltimore, MD, USA: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988, p. ix, 174 p.: 16 fig., 28 tab.
R. S. Schemenauer et Cereceda, P., « The collection of fog water in Chile for use in coastal villages : paper presented at the 6th SWRA World Water Congress on Water Resources, Ottawa, Canada, May 29-June 3, 1988 ». SWRA, Ottawa, Ont, Canada, p. 10 p.: fig., tab., 1988.
W. A. Smith, Seidel, R. E., Booth, E. M., et Rasmuson, M. R., Communication for child survival. Washington, DC, USA: Academy for Educational Development, 1988, p. viii, 144 p. : 7 fig.
C. H. W. H. O. Diarrh Geneva, « Communication : guide a l'intention des administrateurs de programme nationaux de lutte contre les maladies diarrheiques : planification, gestion et evaluation des activites de communication ». World Health Organization, Diarrhoeal Diseases Control Programme, Geneva, Switzerland, p. vii, 78 p.: fig., photogr., 1988.


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