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M. E. de Souza et Pohland, F. G., « Anaerobic treatment in tropical countries : proceedings of an IAWPRC International Seminar held at CETESB Sao Paulo, Brazil, 25-29 August 1986 ». p. VII, 195 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
E. H. Hofkes, Visscher, J. T., et van Dam, A., « Application of artificial groundwater recharge for rural water supply », in World Water '86 : water technology for the developing world : proceedings of an international conference organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in London on 14-16 July 1986, 1987, p. P. 39-40 : fig.
T. Campbell, « Applying lessons from housing to meeting the challenge of water and sanitation for the urban poor », Journal of the American Planning Association, p. p. 186-192: fig., 1987.
J. S. Cointreau, « Aquaculture with treated wastewater : a status report on studies conducted in Lima, Peru », vol. no. 3. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. xiii, 57 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
J. G. Smith et Jennings, P. G., « Aqualine thesaurus ». Ellis Horwood, Chichester, UK, p. 994 p., 1987.
C. O. Universida Cali, Cali, C. O. Corporacio, et Wageningen, N. L. Wageningen, « Arranque y operacion de sistemas de flujo ascendente con manto de lodo (UASB) : manual del curso ». Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, p. 270 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
J. E. Gould, « An assessment of roof and ground catchment systems in rural Botswana », in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Rain Water Cistern Systems : 14-16 January 1987, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 1987, p. P. C2-1 - C2-17 : fig., tab.
A. Prins et Jennings, H. L., « Atelier no. III sur la formation des formateurs et developpement de materiel de formation pour de programme d'alimentation en eau et d'assainissement du Sanru II », vol. no. 216. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. 2 vol.(xi, 75 ; 260 p.): fig., tab., photographs, 1987.
J. P. Doumenge, Mott, K. E., Cheung, C., Villenave, D., Chapuis, O., Perrin, M. F., et Reaud-Thomas, G., Atlas of the global distribution of schistosomiasis = Atlas de la repartition mondiale des schistosomiases. Talence, France: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 1987, p. 400 p.: tab., maps.
E. Stenton, « Background study for possible twinning links between the Thames Water Authority and counterparts in developing countries ». University of West London, London, UK, p. P. 4-34, 1987.
S. R. A. Huttly, Feachem, R. G., Blum, D., Okoro, J. I., Akujobi, C., et Kirkwood, B. R., « The bacteriological quality of traditional water sources in north-eastern Imo State, Nigeria », Epidemiology and infection, p. p. 429-437: fig., tab., 1987.
D. K. D. A. N. I. D. A. - Copenhagen, « Bangladesh : Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Programme DPHE/UNICEF : review and appraisal report prepared by a Danida mission visiting Bangladesh from 30/11 to 11/12 1987. Volume 1. Main report ». DANIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. v, 86 p.: tab., 1987.
« Basic primary science and health for Uganda : health education. Teacher's guide : health education volume 2 for primary 5, 6 and 7 », Basic primary science and health for Uganda : health education. p. viii, 247 p. : ill., 1987.
M. Muller, « Beira water and sanitation : the aid component », in World Water '86 : water technology for the developing world : proceedings of an international conference organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in London on 14-16 July 1986, 1987, p. P. 249-250.
E. C. Green, « Beliefs and behaviour related to water in rural Swaziland », International journal of water resources development, p. p. 29-42, 1987.
P. Chastagner et M. A., B., « Bilan des activities du CIEH dans le cadre du Programme d'experimentations de pompes a motricite humaine ou animale de type hydraulique villageoise ». Comite Interafricain d'Etudes Hydrauliques (CIEH), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p. 79 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
I. N. Consortium Delhi, « Biogas from human waste : workshop held in Delhi, August 22-23, 1986 ». Consortium on Rural Technology, New Delhi, India, p. v, 152 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
R. Wasser, « Biogas in Nicaragua : two project analyses ». Twente University of Technology, Enschede, The Netherlands, p. 200 p., 1987.
P. W. S. Lochery et Adu-Asah, S. T., « Building and operating multi-compartment VIP latrines ». World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. ii, 32 p.: fig., 1987.
S. Layton, « Business : a way of transferring technology », in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Rain Water Cistern Systems : 14-16 January 1987, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 1987, p. P. E-1 - E-12 : 4 fig., 1 tab.
SDC -Bern, CH, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, « Cahier bleu de l'eau potable et de l'assainissement : points de repere pour la preparation, le suivi et l'evaluation de projets d'eau potable et d'assainissement dans les pays en voie de developpement ». Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Bern, Switzerland, p. 29 p., 1987.
K. Tilford, Bell, H., Kenah, T., et Yacoob, M., « CARE/Sierra Leone community participation assessment », vol. no. 217. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. viii, 81 p., 1987.
M. C. R. Owen et Gerba, C. P., « A case history of disinfection of water in rural areas of Mexico », in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Rain Water Cistern Systems : 14-16 January 1987, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 1987, p. P. F4-1 - F4-17 : fig., tab.
A. Foly et Caudill, D., « Case study : guinea worm : a successful approach to community education and participation results in safe drinking water supply and guinea worm eradication ». World Neighbors, Oklahoma City, OK, USA, p. 17 p.: fig., 1987.
J. Briscoe et Young, B., « A case-control study of the effect of environmental sanitation on diarrhoea morbidity in Malawi », Journal of epidemiology and community health, p. p. 83-88 : tab., 1987.


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