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Found 23538 results
K. C. Goh et Ramli, M., « Rain water cistern system for the rural areas of Kedah, Malaysia », in Proceeding of the Third International Conference on Rain Water Cistern Sysytems : 14-16 January 1987, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 1987, p. P. C5-1 - C5-19: fig., tab.
N. I. Chowdhury, M. Ahmed, F., Choudhury, J. R., et Turner, A. K., « Rainwater as a source of domestic water supply in the coastal areas of Bangladesh », in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Rain Water Cistern Systems : 14-16 January 1987, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 1987, p. P. C7-1 - C7-11 : fig., tab.
K. E. Oxfam - Nairobi et World Neighbors -Oklahoma City, OK, US, « Rainwater catchment ferrocement tanks : workshop report : Brackenhurst International Conference Center, Limuru, February 17th-20th, 1987 ». World Neighbors, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 131 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
B. Latham et Schiller, E., « Rainwater collection systems : a literature review », in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Rain Water Cistern Systems : 14-16 January 1987, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 1987, p. P. A1-1 - A1-29.
C. Hafner, « Rainwater harvesting workshops in Togo and Bolivia : the WASH experience », in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Rain Water Cistern Systems : 14-16 January 1987, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 1987, p. P. G1-1 - G1-16 : photogr.
A. Sendama et Mutiri, P. N., « Rapport de synthese : campagne d'indentification des besoins en eau en Afrique (Cameroun, Kenya, Niger, Rwanda, Zimbabwe) ». Environment Liaison Centre International, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 128 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
O. Langenegger, « Rapport recapitulatif sur l'essai de pompes a motricite humain au Niger ». World Bank Regional Water and Sanitation Group Western Africa, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, p. ca. 140 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
L. T. Bates, « A reassessment of economic criteria for rural water supply improvements : a case study of Kenya ». Duke University, Department of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Durham, NC, USA, p. iii, 81 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
E. G. Thomas, « Recent developments in refugee water supplies », in World Water '86 : water technology for the developing world : proceedings of an international conference organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in London on 14-16 July 1986, 1987, p. P. 101-102.
J. C. Saavedra Shimidzu et A. Villalobos, R., « Recuperacion del costo de los servicios de agua potable », Ingenieria hidraulica en Mexico, p. p. 19-26, 1987.
P. Jeffcoate et Saravanapavan, A., The reduction and control of unaccounted-for water : working guidelines, vol. no. 72. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1987, p. xii, 162 p.: fig.
E. J. Schiller, « Regional water supply planning with renewable energy technologies : the case of Senegal », Water international, p. p. 77-85: fig., 1987.
P. Ministerio PE, « Reglamentos de los estatutos para los servicios de agua potable rural ». Peru, Ministerio de Salud, Lima, Peru, p. 50 p., 1987.
WHO. Regional Office for Europe -Copenhagen, DK, EURO, « Removal of organic and inorganic micropollutants from drinking-water sources : report on a WHO consultation ». World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 21 p., 1987.
United Nations Administrative Committee on Co-ordination -New York, NY, Us, « Report of the ACC Intersecretariat Group for Water Resources on its eighth session : United Nations Headquarters, New York, 8-13 April 1987 ». United Nations, New York, NY, USA, p. 18 p., 1987.
C. H. I. L. O. - Geneva, « Report of the joint meeting on employment and conditions of work in water, gas and electricity supply services ». International Labour Office (ILO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 46 p., 1987.
C. H. P. E. E. M. - Geneva, « Report of the seventh meeting : Rome, 7-11 September 1987 ». Joint WHO/FAO/UNEP Panel of Experts on Environmental Management for Vector Contr, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 72 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
World Meteorological Organization -Geneva, CH, WMO et Paris, F. R. U. N. E. S. C. O. -, « Report of the workshop on recommended IHP strategies for technology transfer ». UNESCO, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 43 p.: tab., 1987.
U. Golani, « Report on a mission to the South Pacific region ». United Nations Department of Technical Co-operation for Development, New York, NY, USA, p. various pages, 1987.
B. J. Lloyd, Pardon, M., et Bartram, J., « Report on drinking water surveillance programme : phase 3c : evaluation of the pilot region diagnostic ». DelAgua, Lima, Peru, p. 27, 11 p., 1987.
J. De, « Report on mission 16 to Uttar Pradesh (UP-16) : formulation study for most appropriate institutional set-up for implementing sub-project V, with particular attention to community involvement and participation ». India, Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, New Delhi, India, p. iv, 59 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
B. D. Institute Dhaka et Dhaka, B. D. Bangladesh, « Report on pollution of ground water from pit latrine in Bangladesh ». Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. vi, 128 p. : drwngs., maps, tab., 1987.
B. D. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Dhaka et BD, D. P. H. E. Bangladesh, « A report on the pond sand filter research and development programme at Dacope ». UNICEF, Khulna, Bangladesh, p. 13 p.: fig., tab., drwng, 1987.
N. Tunyavanich, « Research report on the evaluation of the promotion and support for women's participation in a village based water and sanitation project ». Mahidol University, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Bangkok, Thailand, p. xiv, 172 p.: tab., fig., 1987.
K. Mahmood, Reservoir sedimentation : impact, extent and mitigation, vol. no. 71. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1987, p. x, 118 p.: fig., tab.


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