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S. Chandra et Mostertman, L. J., « Curricula and syllabi in hydrology », vol. no. 22. UNESCO, Paris, France, p. 111 p., 1983.
T. H. Provincial Bangkok, « Curriculum writer's guide : a handbook for the development of PWA skill training literature ». Provincial Waterworks Authority, Training Center, Bangkok, Thailand, p. Microfiche (128 p. in various pagings), 1983.
M. Lens, Demarches porteuses de developpement : II. le creusement et forage de puits et la realimentation des nappes phreatiques en region Sahelienne. Brussels, Belgium: Collectif d'Echanges pour la Technologie Appropriee, 1983, p. 79 p.: fig.
R. S. Singh, « Demonstration project in low-cost water supply and sanitation : report on mission to Nepal : November 24-27, 1982 », vol. TAG/NEP/07. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 10 p., 1983.
S. Ghosh, Ray, S. K., Tiwari, I. C., Kaur, P., Reddy, D. S. C., et Nagchaudhari, J., « Dental fluorosis in Ledhupur and Rustampur villages near Varanasi », Indian journal of medical research, p. p. 112-118, 1983.
EPA -Cincinnati, OH, US et EPA -Washington, DC, US, Design manual : municipal wastewater stabilization ponds. Cincinnati, OH, USA: US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1983, p. xiii, 327 p.: fig., tab.
N. Ministere NE, « Deuxieme atelier national [sur la planification de la] Decennie Internationale de l'Approvisionnement en Eau Potable et de l'Assainissement 1981-1990 [au Niger] : Niamey du 24 au 29 octobre 1983 ». Niger, Ministere de l'Hydraulique et de l'Environnement, Niamey, Niger, p. 1 vol., 1983.
G. A. Shook, « Developing a sanitary survey form for evaluating refugee camp locations », Journal of environmental health, p. p. 295-298, 1983.
J. van Nostrand, « Development and implementation of low cost sanitation investment projects : report on mission to the Republic of Botswana : November 14 - December 2, 1982 », vol. TAG/BOT/10. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 4 p., 1983.
R. S. Singh, « Development and implementation of low-cost sanitation and investment projects : report on mission to Nepal : January 28 - February 8, 1983 ». World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 24 p., 1983.
H. E. Perrett et Guimaraes, A. S. Pinto, « Development and implementation of low-cost sanitation investment projects : report on mission to Brazil : March 4-12, 1983 », vol. TAG/BRA/15. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 50 p., 1983.
G. H. Read, « Development and implementation of low-cost sanitation investment projects : report on mission to the Republic of Kenya : February 3-10, 1983 ». World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 35 p., 1983.
P. G. Williams, « Development of a borehole chlorinator for small communities », Imiesa, p. p. 55-67, 1983.
H. Van et Pineo, C. S., « Diagnosis and recommendations for rural water supply and sanitation systems in Honduras », vol. no. 69. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. vii, 55 p., 1983.
H. Van, « Diagnostico y plan de trabajo para la construccion de pozos e instalacion de bombas manuales para agua en Honduras », vol. no. 81. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. viii, 67 p.: fig., tab., 1983.
R. G. Feachem, Hogan, R. C., et Merson, M. H., « Diarrhoeal disease control : reviews of potential interventions », Bulletin of the World Health Organization, p. p. 637-640: tab., 1983.
WASH -Arlington, VA, US et IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, « Directory of organisations involved in community education and participation in water supply and sanitation », vol. no. 1. IRC, Rijswijk, The Netherlands, p. 167 p., 1983.
B. Hawerman, Naeslund, G., et Wilkinson, G. K., « Domestic water legislation : final report ». SIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Stockholm, Sweden, p. 19, 44, 22 p., 1983.
I. Andersson, Hannan-Andersson, C., et Mascarenhas, A., « Domestic water supplies in Tanzania : a bibliography with emphasis on socio-economic research », vol. 1. University of Dar es Salaam, Institute of Resource Assessment, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, p. 19, 79 p., 1983.
D. R. Hopkins, « Dracunculiasis : an eradicable scourge », Epidemiological reviews, p. p. 208-219, 1983.
PAHO -Washington, DC, US, Drinking water supply and sanitation : the International Decade in the Americas, vol. no. 3. Washington, DC, USA: Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), 1983, p. v, 82 p.
D. M. Dworkin et Dworkin, J. M., « The effect of improvements in water supply on the incidence of diarrhoea in Guatemala », International journal of water resources development, p. p. 291-297, 1983.
T. Merrick, The effect of piped water on early childhood mortality in urban Brazil , 1970-1976, vol. no. 594. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1983, p. 46 p.
F. M. Reiff, « Emergency water supply assistance during floods in Ecuador : December 1982 - January 1983 », vol. no. 74. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. 14 p., 1983.
Y. M. Sternberg et Knight, R., « Endurance tests of robovalves », vol. no. 102. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. i, 26 p., 1983.


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