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Found 23538 results
Hazen and Sawyer -New York, NY, US, « Process design manual: suspended solids removal ». US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Washington, DC, USA, p. xv, 250 p. : fig., tab., 1975.
P. K. Jain, « Process rates within slow sand filters ». Department of Civil and Municipal Engineering, University College London, London, UK, p. 288 p. : fig., 1975.
C. O. Instituto Bogota, « Proyecto de investigaciones aplicades y adiestramiento en saneamiento basico rural : borrador de trabajo ». Instituto Nacional de Salud, Bogota, Colombia, p. 64 p., 1975.
K. Siong Hum, « Removal of iron from groundwater », vol. no. 838. Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, p. v + 49 p. : tabs., refs., apps., 1975.
N. L. W. O. T. - Enschede, « The salawepump : construction manual ». TOOL, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, p. 6 p. : fig., 1975.
V. Raman, « Sanitation facilities for slums and rural areas ». National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, NEERI, Nagpur, India, p. 10 p., ((14)) p. tech. drwgs, 1975.
N. Mavinga Le Kaiku, Sante et maladie. Hygiene : education sanitaire, 4th ed.ᵉ éd. Kangu-Mayombe, Zaire: Bureau d'Etudes et de Recherches pour la Promotion de la Sante, 1975, p. 135 p.
R. I. de Hertaing, Courtejoie, J., van der Heyden, A., et Matundu, N., Sante meilleure source de progres : notions de sante publique et d'education sanitaire. Kangu-Mayombe, Zaire: Bureau d'Etudes et de Recherches pour la Promotion de la Sante, 1975, p. 268 p.
T. Schioler, « Sketch-book on water-lifting devices ». Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy, p. 22 p. : ill., techn.drwng, 1975.
W. K. Oldham, « Spray irrigation of treated municipal wastewater : papers presented April 9,1975 at Harrison Hot Springs, B.C. and October 30, 1975 at Kelowna, B.C. », vol. no. EPS 3-PR-76-1. Canada, Environmental Protection Service, Service de la Protection de l'Environnement, Ottawa, Ont, Canada, p. Ca 200 p. : fig., tab., 1975.
California State Water Resources Control Board -Sacramento, CA, US, US, C. (State). D., et US, C. (State). D., « A "state-of-the-art" review of health aspects of wastewater reclamation for groundwater recharge ». State Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento, CA, USA, p. 591 p.: fig., tab., 1975.
EAWAG -Duebendorf, CH, Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology et University of Oklahoma -Norman, OK, US, « A study on historical methods of water and sewage treatment ». Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG), Duebendorf, Switzerland, p. 15, ix, 23 p. : fig., photogr., 1975.
« Surinam ». S.n., S.l., p. 16 p. : 1 fig., 2 maps, 1975.
E. Philips, Survey of corrosion of prestressing steel in concrete water-retaining structures, vol. no. 9. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1975, p. 143 p. : 9 fig., 4 plates, 10 tab.
C. H. World Coun Geneva, « Technical study on a windmill pump ». World Council of Churches, Geneva, Switzerland, p. ca, 70 p. : techn. drwng, 1975.
W. Liengcharernsit, « Use of bamboos and corrugated asbestos cement as local materials for tube settlers », vol. no. 832. Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, p. vi = 72 p. : tabs., refs., 1975.
M. A. Sabet, « Vertical electrical resistivity soundings to locate ground water resources : a feasibility study », vol. no. 73. Virginia Water Resources Research Center, Blacksburg, VA, USA, p. iv, 64 p. : 12 fig., 1975.
R. A. Hyde, « Water clarification by flotation-4 : design and experimental studies on a dissolved-air flotation pilot plant treating 8.2 m3/h or river Thames water », vol. 13. Water Research Centre, Medmenham, UK, p. 39 p., 1975.
World Bank -Washington, DC, US, Rotterdam, N. L. I. W. A. C. O. -, et IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, « Water dispensing devices and methods for public water supply in developing countries : interim report ». IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 30 p. + 23 p. annexes: fig., photogr., 1975.
World Bank -Washington, DC, US, Rotterdam, N. L. I. W. A. C. O. -, et IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, Water dispensing devices and methods for public water supply in developing countries : draft report, Draft. The Hague, The Netherlands: IRC, 1975, p. 47 p. + 34 p. annexes: fig., photogr.
F. E. McJunkin, « Water, engineers, development, and disease in the tropics : schistosomiasis engineering applied to planning, design, construction and operation of irrigation, hydroelectric and other water development schemes ». USAID, Washington, DC, USA, p. 182 p. : 31 fig., 1975.
I. T. F. A. O. - Rome, « Water law in selected European countries. Vol. 1. (Belgium, England and Wales, France, Israel, Italy, Spain, Turkey) », vol. no. 10. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy, p. vi, 257 p., 1975.
C. Associatio Water, « Water reclamation & domestic water conservation : proceedings of the second annual conference of the California Association of Reclamation Entities (WaterCare), held 24 & 25 June 1975 at Dominican College, San Rafael, California ». WATERCARE, San Jose, CA, USA, p. Various paging : fig., tab. ref., 1975.
G. W. Reid, « Water test kit I : user's manual ». University of Oklahoma. Bureau of Water and Environmental Resources Research, Norman, OK, USA, p. i, 30 p.: fig., tab., 1975.
J. Pickford, « Water, waste and health in hot countries : second international conference on environmental health and engineering in hot climates & developing countries ». Loughborough University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Loughborough, UK, p. 146 pp. : fig. tab. ref., 1975.


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