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D. Naumovich, « Solucion tecnico-economica para plantas desfluorizadoras a base de fosfato tricalcico », presented at the 1971-01-01, Cordoba, Argentina, 1971, vol. no.1, p. 56 p.: fig., tab.
B. M. Eubanks, « The story of the pump, and its relatives ». Bernard M. Eubanks, Salem, OR, USA, p. vi, 185 p. : ills, techn. drwngs, 1971.
S. A. Sevilla, « A study of filtration methods for providing inexpensive potable water to small communities in Asia », vol. no. 442. Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, p. xv + 184 p. : 63 figs., 29 tabs., refs, 1971.
D. Stickelberger et Wasmer, H. R., « Survey of solid wastes management practices ». International Reference Centre for Waste Disposal, Duebendorf, Switzerland, p. 84 p. : fig. tab., 1971.
National Academy of Sciences -Washington, DC, US, « Thermoplastic piping for potable water distribution systems », vol. no. 61. National Academy of Sciences (USA), Washington, DC, USA, p. viii, 52 p. : 3 fig., 1971.
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, « Training courses in community water supply 1971 : courses offered by institutions collaborating with WHO International Reference Centre for Community Water Supply », vol. no. 2. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 46 p., 1971.
E. F. Gloyna, Waste stabilization ponds, vol. no. 60. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 1971, p. 175 p.: 44 fig., 28 tab.
American Water Works Association -Denver, CO, US, AWWA, Water quality and treatment : a handbook of public water supplies, 3rd ed.ᵉ éd. New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill, 1971, p. xii, 654 p.: fig., tab.
Smithsonian Science Information Exchange -Washington, DC, US et Water Resources Scientific Information Center -Washington, DC, US, « Water resources thesaurus : a vocabulary for indexing and retrieving the literature of water resources research and development ». US Department of the Interior, Water Resources Scientific Information Center, Washington, DC, USA, p. vi, 375 p., 1971.
M. B. Pescod et Okun, D. A., « Water supply and wastewater disposal in developing countries : proceedings of a water supply and sanitation seminar held in Bangkok, 19-23 January 1970 ». Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, p. 309 pp. : tab., 1971.
D. Warner, « The economics of rural water supply in Tanzania », vol. 70.19. University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, p. 64 pp. : 15 tab., 1970.
P. Adler, Fluorides and human health, vol. no. 59. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 1970, p. 364 p.: fig., tab., photogr.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, « International conference on research and development in community water supply, Cavtat, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 7-14 October 1970 », vol. WHO/CWS/RD/71.4. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 27 pp., 1970.
« IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre annual report 1970 ». IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 30, 1970.
S. G. Talbert, Eibling, J. A., et Löf, G. O. G., « Manual on solar distillation of saline water », vol. OSW R&D report no. 546. National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, USA, p. x + 263 p. : 152 figs., 23 tabs., 1970.
W. E. Wood, « National rural water supply programmes : paper to be presented at the ECA Working Group of Experts in Water Resources Planning, Addis Ababa, 15-25 June 1970 ». World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 34 p., 1970.
C. Ministerio CO et Bogota, C. O. Division d, « Normas de diseno alcantarillados rurales S.B.R.P. no. 0023-10 ». Colombia, Ministry of Public Health, Bogota, Colombia, p. 31 p. + 6 p. annexes : tab., 1970.
F. A. van Duuren, Water purification works design. Pretoria, South Africa: Water Research Commission, WRC, 1970, p. xii, 422 p. : fig., ill., tab.
C. Lao, Peterson, F. L., et Cox, D. C., « Application of electric well logging and other well logging methods in Hawaii », vol. no. 21. University of Hawaii at Manoa, Water Resources Research Center, Honolulu, HI, USA, p. vii, 108 p. : 16 fig., 4 tab., 1969.
PAHO -Washington, DC, US, « Community water supply and sewage disposal programs in Latin America and Caribbean countries : status and trends - projections 1968-1971 », vol. no. ES 5. Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Washington, DC, USA, p. 211 pp. : tab., 1969.
F. E. McJunkin, Community water supply in developing countries : a quarter century of United States assistance. Chapel Hill, NC, USA: University of North Carolina, 1969, p. x, 86 p. : 29 fig., 8 tab.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, « Community water supply : report of a WHO Expert Committee », vol. no. 420. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 21 p., 1969.
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs -New York, NY, US, « First United Nations desalination plant operation survey : a technical and economic analysis of the performance of desalination plants in operation ». United Nations, New York, NY, USA, p. vii, 122 p. : 70 tab., 1969.
S. E. S. I. D. A. - Stockholm et UG, U. Ministry o, « Guidelines for school sanitation promotion ». Uganda, Ministry of Health, Kampala, Uganda, p. 14 p. : 1 box, 19 fig., 1969.
S. I. Asa'ad, « The hafir », vol. Booklet no. 8. Rural Water Corporation, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, Khartoum, Sudan, p. Various paging ; fig. tab., 1969.


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