G. B. Freshwater London,
« Freshwater news ». Freshwater Action Network, London, UK.
N. Zealand. M. NZ,
« The full picture : guidelines for gender analysis ». New Zealand, Ministry of Women's Affairs, Wellington, New Zealand, p. 40 p. : 9 figures.
G. B. G. A. R. N. E. T. - Loughborough,
« GARNET newsletter ». GARNET Global Network Centre, WEDC, Loughborough University of Technology, Loughborough, UK.
« Gas Wasser Abwasser ». Schweiz. Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches, Zurich, Switzerland.
Gatekeeper series / IIED. London, UK: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).
« Gender and development ». Oxfam Publishing, Oxford, UK.
UNDP Water Governance Facility at SIWI -Stockholm, SE, WGF,
« Gender and water », vol. 3. UNDP Water Governance Facility at SIWI, WGF, S.l., p. 2 p.; 2 photographs.
E. Wong,
« Gender equality for smarter cities : challenges and progress ». UN-Habitat, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 34 p.; 32 photographs; 15 boxes.
Gender in Development Monograph Series. New York, NY, USA: UNDP (United Nations Development Programme).
C. Colclough, Rose, P., et Tembon, M.,
« Gender inequalities in primary-schooling : the roles of poverty and adverse cultural practice
», vol. 78. Institute of Development Studies, IDS, Brighton, UK, p. 31 p.; 12 tab.; 7 fig.