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R. G. Taylor et Howard, K. W. F., « Groundwater quality in rural Uganda : hydrochemical considerations for the development of aquifers within the basement complex of Africa », in Groundwater quality, 1995, p. P. 31-44: 7 fig., 2 photogr., 10 tab.
J. C. Rodda, « Guessing or assessing the world's water resources », Water and environment journal, p. p. 360–368 : 2 fig., 5 tab., 1995.
G. T. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Gu City, City, G. T. Fonapaz - G., et GT, G. Ministerio, « Guia practica para el personal de salud ». Guatemala, Ministerio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social, Guatemala, Guatemala, p. 117 p. : ill., 1995.
G. T. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Gu City, City, G. T. Fonapaz - G., GT, G. Ministerio, et Guatemala, G. T. Secretaria, « Guia practica para maestras y maestros de escuelas rurales : educacion sanitaria y ambiental ». Guatemala, Ministerio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social, Guatemala, Guatemala, p. 85 p. : ill., 1995.
F. E. Fontana, « Guías para la selección y aplicación de tecnologías de desinfección del agua para consumo humano en pueblos pequeños y comunidades rurales en América Latina y el Caribe ». Washington, DC, USA, p. 227 p., 1995.
P. H. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Manila, « Guide and manual on training for trainers ». UNICEF, Manila, Philippines, p. 147 p. : fig., tab., 1995.
Y. Xu et Braune, E., A guideline for groundwater protection for the community water supply and sanitation programme. Pretoria, South Africa: South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, 1995, p. 48 p. : 12 fig., 11 tab.
D. de Jong, « Guidelines for communication materials on improved sanitation in China ». IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 18 p. : 2 fig., 1995.
G. Prakash, « Guidelines for quality control and quality assurance of Afridev handpump ». Handpump Technology Network, Swiss Centre for Development Cooperation in Technol, St. Gallen, Switzerland, p. 100 p.: 4 fig., 34 tab., 1995.
Socio-Economic Units, Kerala -Trivandrum, IN, « Half-year report 1 April 1995 - 30 September 1995 : Socio-Economic Units, Kerala Water Authority ». Kerala Water Authority, Socio-Economic Units, Trivandrum, India, p. 47 p. : tab., 1995.
UNICEF -New York, NY, US. Water and Environmental Sanitation Section, « A handbook for improving sanitation programmes ». UNICEF Water, Environment and Sanitation Section, New York, NY, USA, p. 119 p., 1995.
D. R. Rowe et Abdel-Magid, I. M., Handbook of wastewater reclamation and reuse. Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press, 1995, p. iv, 550 p. : fig., tab.
S. Turnquist et Sadeque, S. Z., « Handpump financing issues in Bangladesh : an exploratory study ». UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. ix, 26 p. : boxes, tabs., 1995.
N. L. Calorama - Elburg, « Handpumps », vol. no. 4. Calorama Rural Development Service, Elburg, The Netherlands, p. 59 p.: fig., 1995.
E. Hurtado et E. Booth, M., « A handwashing communication intervention in Guatemala », Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. p. 19-22: 3 photogr., ill., 1995.
M. H. Birley, The health impact assessment of development projects. London, UK: HMSO, 1995, p. 241 p., 8 p. pl.: fig., tab., boxes.
K. van der Velden, van Ginneken, J. K. S., Velema, J. P., de Walle, F. B., et van Wijnen, J. H., Health matters : public health in North-South perspective, vol. no. 9. Houten, The Netherlands: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, 1995, p. 467 p. : fig., tab.
D. de Jong, « Is the Henan latrine promotion a success? : what can China learn from it? : a case study report ». IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 40 p.: 1 box, 3 fig., 1995.
B. E. B. R. T. - Brussels, « Het kleinste kamertje ». BRT, Brussels, Belgium, p. Video (25 min.): VHS, 1995.
R. Beentjes et Stemerding, P., « Het Wereldbank/UNDP/UNEP - Aralmeerprogramma : Nederlandse ondersteuning waard? : een beoordeling van hulprojecten voor ontwikkeling en milieu in het Aralmeer-geied : samenvatting doctoraal-scriptie ». Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 11 p., 1995.
B. Pathak, « History of toilets : paper presented at International Symposium on Public Toilets, Hong Kong, May 25-27, 1995 », presented at the 1995-05-01, New Delhi, India, 1995, p. 7 p. : 3 ill.
J. P. Padmasiri, Fonseka, W. S. C. A., Jayalath, J. M. J. C., Kulasooriya, S. A., et Jayaweradena, B. P. A., « Horizontal roughing filter as pretreatment system for Algae Synedra », Water supply : the review journal of the International Water Supply Association, p. p. 201-204: 2 fig., 2 tab., 1995.
M. S. Bradley, « How people use pictures : an annotated bibliography and review for development workers ». International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK, p. 123 p., 1995.
C. Bielenberg et Allen, H., How to make and use the treadle irrigation pump. London, UK: IT Publications, 1995, p. x, 77 p.: fig., tab.
I. Serageldin et Cohen, M., « The human face of the urban environment : a report to the development community », vol. no. 5. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. vi, 55 p.: 4 fig., 1 tab., 2 boxes, 1995.


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