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A. E. Elmendorf, Peters, D. H., Kandola, K., et Chellaraj, G., « Benchmarks for health expenditures, services and outcomes in Africa during the 1990s », Bulletin of the World Health Organization, p. p. 761-769 : 5 tab., 2000.
MWH -Broomfield, CO, US, Montgomery Watson Harza, Cairo, E. G. U. S. A. I. D. -, et EG, B. Suef -, « Beni Suef Governorate strategic master plan. Vol. I : executive summary ». USAID, Cairo, Egypt, p. 62 p. : tabs., 2000.
E. Cooper, Business briefing : world urban economic development in 2000. London, UK: World Markets Research Centre, 2000, p. 240 p. : fig., photogr., tab.
M. - H. Zerah, « The cancellation of the Pune water supply and sewerage project : challenges in private sector participation : case study ». Water and Sanitation Program - South Asia, New Delhi, India, p. 6 p. : boxes, photogr., 2000.
Z. A. Mvula Trus Braamfontein, « Compendium of appropriate practice in peri-urban and rural water and sanitation delivery ». Mvula Trust, Braamfontein, South Africa, p. 26 p. : boxes, 2000.
D. K. D. A. N. I. D. A. - Copenhagen et VN, M. A. R. D. Viet Nam., « Component description rural water supply and sanitation : water sector Viet Nam ». DANIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. v, 59 p. fig., map, 2000.
T. Sepamo, « Co-operation with small scale independent service providers in Lesotho », Water and sanitation update : a newsletter of NETWAS International, p. p. 9 - 10, 2000.
V. Foster, Gomez-Lobo, A., et Halpern, J., « Designing direct subsidies for the poor : a water and sanitation case study », vol. no. 211. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 4 p. : 2 tab., 2000.
A. B. Murray Shrestha, « Developing strategies to improve latrine coverage : a follow-up survey of NEWAH's rural sanitation projects 1991-1995 ». Nepal Water for Health (NEWAH), Kathmandu, Nepal, p. 51 p. : 11 fig., 2 tab., 2000.
J. L. Evans, Myers, J. L., et Ilfeld, E. M., Early childhood counts : a programming guide on early childhood care for development. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank Institute, 2000, p. viii, 412 p. : boxes, tabs.
L. Hakim, « Evaluation of water supply project performance in PDAM Bogor and Palembang : under Bogor and Palembang urban development project », vol. 096. IHE (International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering), Delft, The Netherlands, p. ix, 106 p. : fig., map, tabs., 2000.
World Bank -Washington, DC, US et UNICEF -New York, NY, US, « Field note on school sanitation experiences of Uganda ». UNICEF, New York, NY, USA, p. 18 p. : 3 tab., 2000.
W. Gichuri, « Financing community water supply and sanitation ». Mvula Trust, Braamfontein, South Africa, p. 1 fold-out poster - 12 p. : boxes, ill., 2000.
I. N. Water and Delhi, « Flow and utilization of urban poverty funds : Nagari : tenth meeting of the Urban Think Tank, February 25, 2000, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh ». Water and Sanitation Program - South Asia, New Delhi, India, p. 12 p. : photogr., 2000.
B. Gentry et Abuyuan, A. T., « Global trends in urban water supply and wastewater financing and management: changing roles for the public and private sectors ». OECD, Paris, France, p. 76 p., 2000.
G. Regallet et Jost, R., « Global water organizations : cooperation or competition ? = Les organisations mondiales de l'eau : coopération ou concurrence? ». International Secretariat for Water, Quebec, Que, Canada, p. 12 + 13 p., 2000.
I. Rajiv Gand IN, « Guidelines for implementation of [accelerated] rural water supply programme [ARWSP] ». Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission, New Delhi, India, p. 70 p., 2000.
D. E. G. T. Z. - Eschborn, « History and lessons learned from the formation of the Mazowe catchment council, Zimbabwe ». Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Harare, Zimbabwe, p. ca. 100 p. : boxes, maps, tabs., 2000.
M. Kariuki et S. Tesh, S., « Improving water supply and sanitation service delivery to low income urban communities in Africa : summary of workshop proceedings Nairobi, June 19-22, 2000 ». Water Utility Partnership, Nairobi, Kenya, p. v, 54 p. : boxes, fig., tabs., 2000.
C. Emanuel, Escurra, J., et Escurra, J., « Informe nacional sobre la gestión del agua en Bolivia ». Global Water Partnership (GWP), La Paz, Bolivia, p. 109 p., 2000.
J. Pickford, « Integrated development for water supply and sanitation : proceedings of the 25th WEDC Conference Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1999 ». Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC, Loughborough, UK, 2000.
J. De la Harpe, « Izingolweni community based water services provider case study : UGU Regional Council KwaZulu Natal ». South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Pretoria, South Africa, p. 23 p. : fig., 2000.
R. Hirji, « Kenya : water resources management issues, challenges and options : a framework for a strategy : issues paper ». World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 51 p. : boxes, fig., tab., 2000.
C. I. Water Util Abidjan, « La réforme du secteur de l'eau en Afrique ». Water Utility Partnership, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, p. 42, 55 p. : boxes, tab., 2000.
A. Clemett, Soussan, J., et Mitchell, G., « Making integrated water resources management (IWRM) work : lessons from the evaluation of water sector programmes ». Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Policy and Operations Review Department (IOB), The Hague, The Netherlands, p. iv, 37 p. : fig., photogr., 2000.


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