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B. Fisher et Dafoe, T., « National workshop on operation and maintenance of water supply and sanitation systems, Manila, Philippines, 15-25 July 1992 : mission report ». World Health Organization Environmental Health Centre Western Pacific Region, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, p. 33 p., 1992.
J. G. Janssens, « Operation and maintenance for sustainable and improved WS&S (water supply and sanitation) services in LDCs (less developed countries) : towards a new philosophy ». IWSA Foundation for the Transfer of Knowledge, Brussels, Belgium, p. 18 p.: 2 fig., 1992.
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL et DGIS, D. General fo, « Operation, maintenance and use of rural water supplies in the Indo-Dutch Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Programme : discussion paper ». Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 39 p.: fig., ill., tab., 1992.
N. Department NA, « Operations and maintenance management system for Onaanda and Okahao south water schemes ». Namibia, Department of Water Affairs, Windhoek, Namibia, p. 21 p. : fig., 1992.
N. Ministere NE, « Programme d'hydraulique villageoise Departement de Dosso : deuxieme phase : rapport final. Tome III. Puits cimentes ». Niger, Ministere de l'Hydraulique et de l'Environnement, Dosso, Niger, p. 38 p. + 22 p. annexes : 11 tab., 1992.
D. B. Edwards et Torres, M., « Project monitoring report 1991-92 : water and sanitation for health and Ecuadorian development (WASHED) », vol. no. 384. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. viii, 79 p., 1992.
R. McGowan et Hodgkin, J., « Pump selection : a field guide for energy efficient and cost effective water pumping systems for developing countries », vol. no. 61. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. ca. 180 p.: 20 fig., 13 tab., photogr., 1992.
Eand Minera Water et Development, W. Affairs an, « Reporting and monitoring on operation and maintenance : Shinyanga region ». Tanzania, Ministry of Community Development, Women Affairs and Children, Shinyanga, Tanzania, p. 2 vol. (47, 51 p.): fig., tab., 1992.
B. van Hemert, Haemhouts, J., O. Galiz, A., et O. Orozco, S., « The rope pump : the challenge of popular technology ». Nicaragua, Direccion de Acueductos Rurales, Juigalpa, Nicaragua, p. 227 p.: fig., photogr., tab., 1992.
Z. Ministry o ZM, « Rural water for health project : half yearly progress report for the period Jul - Dec 1991 ». Zambia, Department of Water Affairs North Western Province, Lusaka, Zambia, p. ii, 15 p.: tab., 1992.
S. M. M. Vieira et Garcia, A. D., « Sewage treatment by UASB-reactor : operation results and recommendations for design and utilization », Water science and technology, p. p. 143-157 : 2 fig., 5 tab., 1992.
I. Ministry o IN et Delhi, I. N. World Bank, « Technical guidelines on design, construction and maintenance of twin pit pour flush latrines ». World Bank Regional Water and Sanitation Group South Asia, New Delhi, India, p. iv, 32 p. : drwngs., tab., 1992.
D. D. Mara, Pearson, H. W., Alabaster, G. P., et Mills, S. W., Waste stabilisation ponds : a design manual for eastern Africa. Leeds, UK: Lagoon Technology International, 1992, p. viii, 121 p.: fig., tab.
UNHCR -Geneva, CH, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, « Water manual for refugee situations ». United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 160 p. : 35 fig., 1992.
M. Public Wor MY, « Water supply in Malaysia : general information ». Malaysia, Public Works Department, Water Supply Branch, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, p. 19 p. : fig., 1 map, photogr., 1992.
L. Hoffman, « Women handpump mechanics in Kenya », Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. p. 19-21: 3 photogr., 1992.
G. H. Ghana Wate Accra, World Bank -Washington, DC, US, et CIDA -Gatineau, Que, CA, Canadian International Development Agency, « Bolgatanga Community Water Supply and Sanitation Management Project : progress report, January, 1990 - December, 1990 : with review of implementation and problem resolution methods ». Bolgatanga Community Water Supply and Sanitation Pilot Project, Bolgatanga, Ghana, p. 21 p. + 12 p. ann.: 1 fig., 1 tab., 1991.
G. H. Wardrop En Tamale et Accra, G. H. Ghana Wate, « Community liaison programme : strategy discussion paper ». Ghana Water and Sewerage Corporation, Accra, Ghana, p. 19 p.: fig., 1991.
S. Mesfin, « Constructing and operating treatment plants », in Infrastructure, environment, water and people : proceedings of the 17th WEDC Conference, United Nations Centre for Human Settlement (Habitat), Nairobi, Kenya, 19-23 August 1991, 1991, p. P. 139-142: 3 fig., 1 tab.
A. Pozzi et Wolf, J. - P., « Eau potable et assainissement 89 : resume : analyse comparative de cinq evaluations de projets dans le domaine de l'eau potable et de l'assainissement », IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, 1991.
S. Watt, « EDFU water and wastewater project : institutional development component : preliminary design report - May 1991 ». S.n., S.l., p. 35 p. : fig., tab., 1991.
F. Gomez, M. Badel, H., et M. Badel, H., « Evaluación comparativa de la operación y mantenimiento de filtros lentos en arena a escala piloto que utilizan mantas sintéticas y naturales ». Universidad del Valle, Facultad de Ingenieria, Cali, Colombia, p. 95 p., 1991.
M. Toot, « An evaluation study of operation and maintenance of Afridev hand-pumps installed under the demonstration phase of rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene education project ». IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 2 vol. (46, 37 p.): photogr., tab., 1991.
K. R. Rao, « Feasibility of developing a community based operation and maintenance system for rural water supplies », in NAP India '91 : conference on Indo-Dutch bilateral cooperation in rural water supply and sanitation, February 25-26 1991, Lucknow, 1991, p. 9 p.
N. Ministry o NG, « Federal Republic of Nigeria : rural water supply and sanitation sector strategy and action plan ». Nigeria, Ministry of Water Resources, Lagos, Nigeria, p. 62 p.: tab., fig., 1991.


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