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B. Joshi, « Technical assistance to the Bolgatanga Community Water and Sanitation Management Pilot Project : terminal report ». Ghana Water and Sewerage Corporation, Accra, Ghana, p. 4 p., 1990.
B. Joshi, « Technical assistance to the Bolgatanga Community Water and Sanitation Pilot Project : technical report ». Ghana Water and Sewerage Corporation, Accra, Ghana, p. 22 p.: 1 tab., 1990.
R. D. Kafundu et Mhone, Y. C., « Technology choice, operation and maintenance in water and sanitation : the Malawi experience », in Decade consultative meeting on water supply and sanitation 1981-90 : Harare, 26-30 November 1990 : proceedings and resolutions, 1990, p. Ca. 20 p.: tab.
T. Tenzing, « Unaccounted for water management in Greater Kathmandu », in Proceedings of the meeting of the Operation and Maintenance Working Group : Geneva, 19-22 June 1990. Volume 2. Case studies on operation and maintenance of rural and urban water supply systems, 1990, p. p. 84-94 : 2 fig., tab.
UNICEF -New York, NY, US, « Unicef assistance to the people of Nepal in the water supply and sanitation sector : 1990 status report : part 1: sector overview ». UNICEF, Kathmandu, Nepal, p. ix, 68 p. + 33 p. ann.: fig., tab., 1990.
D. General fo DGIS, « Verslag 1e studiedag drinkwater- en sanitatiesector, 8 december 1989 ». Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 26 p., 1990.
P. Ankum, Best, R., et van Leeuwen, W. J., « Water users association strengthening project Indonesia : report on the joint evaluation mission (June - July 1990) ». Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. ii, 109 p.: fig., tab., 1990.
CIDA -Gatineau, Que, CA, Canadian International Development Agency, « The water utilization project : a case study on a water and health education project in northern Ghana ». Canadian International Development Agency, CIDA, Hull, Que, Canada, p. vii, 172 p.: box., ill., 1990.
R. Cuevas, Flores, J. R., et Tschumi, P., « Abastecimiento de agua potable y saneamiento basico para la poblacion rural: un proyecto de desarrollo en marcha se presenta ». Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Tegucigalpa, Honduras, p. 24 p.: fig., photogr., 1989.
G. H. Ghana Wate Accra, « Bolgatanga Community Water Supply and Sanitation Management Project : progress report July - 1989 - December ». p. 7 p., 1989.
H. I. Karunadasa et Bradley, R. M., « Community participation in the water supply sector in Sri Lanka », Journal of Royal Society of Health, p. p. 131-136, 1989.
P. H. Tulungan s City, « Community water supply and sanitation project management : operations manual ». Tulungan sa Tubigan Foundation, Quezon City, The Philippines, p. iv, 129 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
F. R. Vergnet - Ingre, « A company involved in development ». Vergnet SA, Ingre, France, p. Video (15 min.) + video (25 min.) : VHS, 1989.
G. Logsdon, Tanner, S., Grimm, M., et James, R., « Design and performance of slow sand filters in the Pacific Northwest ». US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Drinking Water Research Division, Cincinnati, OH, USA, p. 24 p.: 1 fig., 6 tab., 1989.
T. S. A. Mbwette et Wegelin, M., « Design, operation and maintenance considerations of horizontal flow roughing filters », Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. p. 27-29: fig., photogr., tab., 1989.
R. E. Hall et Malina, A., « Development of an operations and maintenance strategy for rural water supply in Zaire : phase 1 report », vol. no. 273. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. xii, 107 p., 1989.
J. Lorentzen et Hansen, E., « Diagnostic assessments of operations and maintenance problems : analysis and synthesis report ». United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UNCHS-Habitat) Urban Management Group, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 156 p.: tab., 1989.
WHO. Regional Office for Europe -Copenhagen, DK, EURO et Swindon, G. B. Water Rese, Disinfection of rural and small-community water supplies : a manual for design and operation. Medmenham, UK: Water Research Centre, 1989, p. 135 p.: fig., tab.
H. N. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Tegucigalpa et Tegucigalpa, H. N. S. A. N. A. A. -, « Estrategia de trabajo de promocion comunitaria ». Honduras, Servicio Autonomo Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, p. 7 p. + annexes (ca. 30 p.), 1989.
C. Martin, Piaton, H., et Vardon, P., « Evaluation du potentiel eolien pour l'exhaure de l'eau : vol. 1 aspects methodologiques et outils developpes ». Comite Interafricain d'Etudes Hydrauliques (CIEH), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p. 200 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
J. J. Burns et Mattson, F. S., « Evaluation of the environmental component of the community-based integrated health and nutrition project in Guatemala », vol. no. 251. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. viii, 81 p., 1989.
National Environmental Engineering Research Institute -Nagpur, IN, NEERI, Evaluation of water treatment plants in India : final report. Nagpur, India: National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, NEERI, 1989, p. iv, 459 p.: fig., photogr., tab.
E. T. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Ad Ababa, Nairobi, K. E. World Bank, et Ababa, E. T. Water Reso, « First national hand pump workshop : proceedings of a workshop held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, December 14, 1989 ». Water Resources Commission, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p. ii, 79, iv p., 1989.
J. H. P. M. Tacke et Verspuy, C., « Hydraulic rams ». Delft University of Technology, CICAT, Delft, The Netherlands, p. 12 p.: fig., 1989.
CEHA -Amman, JO, WHO/EMRO Regional Centre for Environmental Health Activities et Water, Engineering and Development Centre -Loughborough, GB, WEDC, « Maintenance and operation of rural water supply and sanitation systems ». Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC, Loughborough, UK, p. 17 modules (ca. 200 p.): fig. , tab., 1989.


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