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S. Delafield, « Planning tools for the Nepal public-private partnership for handwashing initiative », vol. no. 128. Environmental Health Project (EHP), Arlington, VA, USA, p. 81 p. : tab., 2004.
M. Favin, « Promoting hygiene behaviour change within c-imci : the Peru and Nicaragua experience », vol. no. 143. Environmental Health Project (EHP), Arlington, VA, USA, p. xii, 43 p. : 18 tab., 2004.
NETWAS -Nairobi, KE, Network for Water and Sanitation et Nairobi, K. E. Kenia Scho, « School sanitation and hygiene in Kenyan public primary schools ». Network for Water and Sanitation International (NETWAS), Nairobi, Kenya, p. CD-rom, 2004.
L. Fewtrell et Colford, J. M., « Water, sanitation and hygiene : interventions and diarrhoea : a systematic review and meta-analysis ». World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. xiv, 65 p. : 20 fig., 23 tab., 2004.
Environmental Health Project -Arlington, VA, US, EHP, « Water, sanitation, hygiene and diarrheal diseases bibliography ». Environmental Health Project (EHP), Arlington, VA, USA, p. 34 p., 2004.
S. Halvorson, « Women's management of the household health environment : responding to childhood diarrhea in the Northern Areas, Pakistan », Health and place, p. p. 43-58 : 1 fig., 6 tab., 2004.
Environmental Health Project -Arlington, VA, US, EHP, « Annotated bibliography of selected studies on water/sanitation and diarrheal diseases ¿ 2003 ». Environmental Health Project (EHP), Arlington, VA, USA, p. ca. 20 p., 2003.
R. Quick, « Changing community behaviour : experience from three African countries », International journal of environmental health research, p. p. 115-121 : 2 fig., 1 tab., 2003.
A. Strina, Cairncross, S., Barreto, M. L., Larrea, C., et Prado, M. S., « Childhood diarrhea and observed hygiene behavior in Salvador, Brazil », American journal of epidemiology, p. p. 1032-1038 : 1 fig., 5 tab., 2003.
M. D. Sobsey, Handzel, T., et Venczel, L., « Chlorination and safe storage of household drinking water in developing countries to reduce waterborne disease », Water science and technology, p. p. 221-228 : 5 tab., 2003.
R. L. Guerrant, Carneiro-Filho, B. A., et Dillingham, R. A., « Cholera, diarrhea, and oral rehydration therapy: triumph and indictment », Clinical infectious diseases, p. p. 398-405 : 5 fig., 1 tab., 2003.
M. P. Torres, Kleinau, E., Post, M., Kolesar, R., Gil, C., et de la Cruz, V., « Combining hygiene behavior change with water and sanitation: monitoring progress in Hato Mayor, Dominican Republic », vol. no. 120. Environmental Health Project (EHP), Arlington, VA, USA, p. xiii, 41 p., [16] p. annexes : 5 fig., 16 tab., 2003.
P. R. Earl, « Diarrhea, caused by waterborne Entamoeba, Giardia, Cryptosporidium and Cyclospora ». University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, p. 29 slides : photogr., 2003.
T. Moffat, « Diarrhea, respiratory infections, protozoan gastrointestinal parasites, and child growth in Kathmandu, Nepal », American journal of physical anthropology, p. p. 85-87 : 6 fig., 6 tabs., 2003.
M. D. Niehaus, Moore, S. R., Patrick, P. D., Derr, L. L., Lorntz, B., Lima, A. A., et Guerrant, R. L., « Early childhood diarrhea is associated with diminished cognitive function 4 to 7 years later in children in a northeast Brazilian shantytown », American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, p. p. 590-593 : 2 fig., 2 tab., 2003.
P. K. Jensen, Ensink, J. H. J., Jayasinghe, G., van der Hoek, W., Cairncross, S., et Dalsgaard, A., « Effect of chlorination of drinking-water on water quality and childhood diarrhoea in a village in Pakistan », Journal of health, population and nutrition, p. p. 26-31 : 1 fig., 2003.
L. Heller, Colosimo, E. A., et Antunes, C. Mde Figueir, « Environmental sanitation conditions and health impact : a case-control study = Condiçôes de saneamento ambiental e impacto na saúde : um estudo caso-control », Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, p. p. 41-50 : 4 tab., 2003.
J. T. Brooks, Shapiro, R. L., Kumar, L., Wells, J. G., Phillips-Howard, P. A., Shi, Y. P., Vulule, J. M., Hoekstra, R. M., Mintz, E., et Slutsker, L., « Epidemiology of sporadic bloody diarrhea in rural Western Kenya », American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, p. p. 671-677 : 2 fig., 3 tab., 2003.
Demographic and Health Surveys, Macro International Inc. -Calverton, MD, US et ER, E. Department, « Eritrea demographic and health survey 2002 ». Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), Calverton, MD, USA, p. xxii, 308 p. : fig., tab., 2003.
D. Dicko, « Etude de faisabilité d'un projet de collecte et de transport des boues de vidange manuel de la ville de Ouagadougou ». Ecol Inter-Etats des Techniciens Superieurs de l'Hdraulique et de l'Equipment Rural (ETSHER), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p. 123 p. : tabs., 2003.
D. Nanan, White, F., Azam, I., Afsar, H., et Hozhabri, S., « Evaluation of a water, sanitation, and hygiene education intervention on diarrhoea in northern Pakistan », Bulletin of the World Health Organization, p. p. 160-165 : 3 tab., 2003.
A. Trevett, « Household water security : the quality component », Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. p. 2-4 : 5 fig., 2 tab., 2003.
B. Larsen, « Hygiene and health in developing countries : defining priorities through cost-benefit assessments », International journal of environmental health research, p. p. 37 : 46 : 6 tab., 2003.
V. Curtis, Biran, A., Deverell, K., Hughes, C., Bellamy, K., et Drasar, B., « Hygiene in the home : relating bugs and behaviour », Social science and medicine, p. p. 657-672 : 1 fig., 9 tab., 2003.
L. R. S. Moraes, J. Cancio, A., Cairncross, S., et Huttly, S., « Impact of drainage and sewerage on diarrhoea in poor urban areas in Salvador, Brazil », Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, p. p. 153-158 : 2 fig., 3 tab., 2003.


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