Policy recommendations are given for five building blocks: institutional capacity, financing, asset management, water resources management, and... Read more...
A strong enabling environment, which recognizes small communities and their local services, water quality control, post-construction support and the... Read more...
This learning note discusses the Trilateral South South Cooperation of the Brazil-Ethiopia-UNICEF Cooperation programme on water and sanitation and... Read more...
IRC's work in Latin America focuses very much on Honduras. In other countries in Latin America and at regional level IRC provides advisory services and carries out research. Read more...
A tale of 12 cities. Which concerns and hopes do city planners, water sector specialists and researchers have for the future. Google scholar Read more...
Community-based service providers need regular, structured support that goes beyond ad hoc technical assistance. Read more...
Sustainable Water Management ImprovesTomorrow's Cities Health (SWITCH) es un programa de investigación-acción, co-financiado por la Unión Europea, coordinado por UNESCO - IHE, en el cual participó IRC como una de 33 instituciones de 15 países de Europa, África, Asia y América Latina. Surgió como... Read more...
The SWITCH project was a five year experiment focused on some of the key sustainability challenges in urban water management. In a number of cities around the globe, it set out to test what was needed for a transition to more sustainable urban water management through a combination of demand-led... Read more...
Cities in Latin America face a double challenge in environmental sanitation, of both providing access to basic water supply and sanitation for those currently lacking that, and improving the collection and treatment of wastewater and solid waste. Governance is a crucial factor affecting the way in... Read more...