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Published on: 31/08/2012

Monitoring, indicators, audits, optimum size of service areas, cross subsidy and mutualisation, regulation, accountability …. were only some of the topics touched on during an inaugural meeting of the RWSN’s “Management and Support group”.  IRC’s Stef Smits and Marieke Adank and Aguaconsult CEO Harold Lockwood presented recent findings relating to monitoring, sustainability and post-construction support of rural WASH services.

See presentations by Stef Smits and Marieke Adank:


André Olschewski of SKAT and RWSN explained the role and operation of RWSN thematic groups: first and foremost as a network for practitioners to share experiences and learn from each other. 

IRC’s Patrick Moriarty emphasized that this was an initial meeting and that the agenda of the group was still entirely open and to be decided by members.  A first step will be to widely circulate a short write up of this meeting as well as to encourage sign-up (and contribution) to the groups ‘dgroup’ electronic platform.

In October, a 2 day meeting of the group in the Netherlands will offer a second opportunity to input into the process: a half day dedicated to further defining the role of the group will follow a one and a half day workshop on management and support of small-town/small-piped networks.

Anyone interested in becoming part of the group should contact:

Julia Boulenouar

or Marieke Adank

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