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TitleServicios sanitarios en los pueblos jovenes de Lima : una propuesta para mejorar la situacion
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1987
Authorsde Vries, J, Claringbould, H, Wolters, H, Duindam, P, Bakker, S
Pagination2 vol. (184, 79 p.): fig., photogr., tab.
Date Published1987-01-01
PublisherDelft University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
Keywordscommunity participation, evaluation, health, hygiene, latrines, peru, peru lima, projects, safe water supply, sewerage, slums, women
NotesVol. 1 Informe principal;vol. 2 Anexos . - Bibliography: vol. 2, p. 75-79
Custom 1827
Translated TitleSanitary services in the slums of Lima : a proposal to improve the situation

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