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The administrative committees for the Volanta pumps in Niger are formed to regulate the revenues, organize cleanups, supervise the usage and maintenance of the pump and settle any disputes concerning the pump.

TitleProgramme d'hydraulique villageoise Departement de Dosso : formation comites de gestion pompes Volanta - Dogon Doutchi
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsNE, NMinistere
Pagination16 p. : map
Date Published1990-12-01
PublisherNiger, Ministere de l'Hydraulique et de l'Environnement
Place PublishedDosso, Niger
Keywordshand pumps, maintenance, niger dosso, safe water supply, volanta pumps, water committees

The administrative committees for the Volanta pumps in Niger are formed to regulate the revenues, organize cleanups, supervise the usage and maintenance of the pump and settle any disputes concerning the pump. The committee consists of a treasurer, a secretary, a hygenist, two maintenance supervisors and a president. It was found that the president should not be the village chief, since his position would limit him to decision-making, and his presence may influence or intimidate other committee members. Each member of the committee has well-defined responsibilities. The six-member committee is assigned a region, consisting of 4 to 6 villages in a radius of eight to twelve kilometers. Follow up was performed by officials of the initiating agency, SAP.

Custom 1232.2, 823
Translated TitleRural water supply programme Dosso Region : training of Volanta pump maintenance committees - Dogon Doutchi

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