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This project document outlines a programme for environmental health activities to be implemented in Romania under the responsibility of the WHO Regional Office for Europe through its European Centre for Environment and Health.

TitleNational Integrated Programme on Environment and Health in Romania (1993-1996)
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsBilthoven, NLWHOEurop
Pagination60 p.: fig., tab.
Date Published1993-01-01
PublisherWorld Health Organization European Centre for Environment and Health
Place PublishedBilthoven, The Netherlands
Keywordsair pollution, disposal, environmental impact, health impact, institutional framework, objectives, pollution, recommendations, rehabilitation, romania, solid wastes, technology transfer, water quality

This project document outlines a programme for environmental health activities to be implemented in Romania under the responsibility of the WHO Regional Office for Europe through its European Centre for Environment and Health. The main aim of the programme is to foster the dialogue between the Romanian Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Water, Forestry and Environmental Protection. Issues include: a. assessment of air pollution and the effects on the health status of the population in selected areas of Romania; b. capacity building in environmental health impact assessment in Romania; c. transfer of water and sanitation technology and; d. upgrading of waste management technology.

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