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TitlePrograma de agua potable y saneamiento en zonas rurales de Mexico : documento de base : sintesis, revista y comentarios de documentos llaves de la CNA, con resultados de reuniones de trabajo, talleres, y aportacion de profesionales de la CNA
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsBrikke, F
Pagination87 p. : fig., tab.
Date Published1998-06-30
PublisherComision Nacional del Agua
Place PublishedMexico City, Mexico
Keywordscommunity development, decentralization, demonstration projects, financial management, infrastructure, institutional framework, legislation, mexico, planning, programa de agua potable y saneamiento en zonas rurales de mexico, rural areas, safe water supply, sanitation, sdilac, selection criteria, social aspects, sustainability, uebw
Custom 1825
Translated TitleRural drinking water supply and sanitation programme in Mexico : baseline document : synthesis, review and comments of key CNA documents, with results of working meetings, workshops, and contributions of CNA professionals

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