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Volume one of this practical on-the-job guide for trainers in the form of a "how to do it" case study of a capacity-building institute departing from the traditional mode of offering a standardized training programme and moving to customized demand-based

TitleDesigning human settlements training in African countries. Vol. I. Case study
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsUN-HABITAT -Nairobi, KE, United Nations Human Settlements Programme
Secondary TitleTraining materials series / UNCHS (Habitat)
Paginationiv, 132 p.
Date Published1994-01-01
PublisherUN-Habitat, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements
Place PublishedNairobi, Kenya
ISBN Number9211312582
Keywordscase studies, manuals, sdicap, training, urban areas

Volume one of this practical on-the-job guide for trainers in the form of a "how to do it" case study of a capacity-building institute departing from the traditional mode of offering a standardized training programme and moving to customized demand-based and client-centred problem-solving management and leadership training and institutional development in a hypothetical African country.

Custom 1133, 155.2
Original PublicationDesigning human settlements training in African countries. Vol. II. Trainer''s tool kit



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