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This manual provides guidance on how to assess the risk of contamination of groundwater from on-site sanitation systems when planning low-cost water supply and sanitation schemes.

TitleGuidelines for assessing the risk to groundwater from on-site sanitation
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsAhmed, KM, Pedley, S, Macdonald, DMJ, Lawrence, AG, Howard, AG, Barret, MH
Secondary TitleBritish Geological Survey Commissioned Report
Pagination97 p. : 31 fig., 21 tab.
Date Published2001-01-01
PublisherBritish Geological Survey, Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
Place PublishedKeyworth, UK
Keywordsaquifers, chemical analysis, chemical quality, faecal pollutants, groundwater pollution, groundwater protection, guidelines, health hazards, indicator organisms, manuals, microbiological quality, nitrates, on-site disposal, pit latrines, sanitary surveys, sdisan, sdiwrm, water quality monitoring, wells

This manual provides guidance on how to assess the risk of contamination of groundwater from on-site sanitation systems when planning low-cost water supply and sanitation schemes. The first part of the manual discusses the role of water and sanitation in reducing infectious diseases caused by pathogenic micro-organisms, including the role of indicator bacteria. The advantages and of different sanitation systems are also presented. This is followed by a discussion on aquifer contamination pathways and aquifer vulnerability, microbiological (fecal) contaminant attenuation and risk categories. The second part of the manual provides the actual guidelines. It starts with three first-step risk assessments: microbiological contamination via aquifer pathways, nitrate contamination, and microbiological contamination via well constructions. The last set of guidelines are on water quality monitoring and answer the questions: why, how, when and where to monitor, and how to analyse and interpret data. Annexes include worked examples and sanitary inspection forms.

NotesIncludes glossary 32 ref.
Custom 1320, 244


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