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The guidelines aim to empower users to obtain the health and other benefits of recreational use of coastal and freshwater environments, while minimizing risks to users' health.

TitleSafe recreational water environments. Volume 1. Coastal and fresh waters
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsWHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization
Paginationxxxii, 219 p. : boxes, tab.
Date Published2003-01-01
PublisherWorld Health Organization (WHO)
Place PublishedGeneva, Switzerland
ISBN Number9241545801
Keywordsalgae, chemical elements, microorganisms, pathogens, sdiwat, sewage, surface waters, uebw, water pollution, water pollution control, water quality monitoring, water quality standards

The guidelines aim to empower users to obtain the health and other benefits of recreational use of coastal and freshwater environments, while minimizing risks to users' health. They cover drowning and injury; exposure to cold, heat and sunlight; faecal pollution and water quality; freeliving pathogenic microorganisms in recreational water; microbial contamination of beach sand; exposure to algae and their products; exposure to chemical and physical agents; and dangerous aquatic organisms. The guidelines are intended to be the basis for the development of international and national approaches. including standards and regulations, for controlling the health risks from hazards that may be encountered in recreational water environments and for providing a framework for local decision-making

NotesIncl. references
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