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TitleInformation, technology and small enterprise : a handbook for enterprise support agencies in developing countries
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsHeeks, R, Duncombe, R
Pagination27 p. : boxes, fig.
Date Published2001-01-01
PublisherInstitute for Development Policy and Management
Place PublishedManchester, UK
Keywordscommunication, information systems, manuals, sdiinf, small-scale activities, technology, uebw
Notes7 ref. Includes glossary
Custom 1503
Original PublicationInformación, tecnología y la pequeña empresa : una guía para agencias de cooperación con las empresas en los países en desarrollo, L'information, la technologie et les petites entreprises : un manuel pour les agences d¿assistance aux entreprises dans les



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