Jalpari :: IRC Skip to main content
Publication TypeAudiovisual
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsKathmandu, NPNGOForum
PaginationDVD (60 min.)
Date Published2005-06-01
PublisherNGO Forum for Urban Water and Sanitation
Place PublishedKathmandu, Nepal
Keywordsnepal, rainwater harvesting

This movie explains the importance of urban water conservation based on a love story. When broadcast on Nepal Television on 17 September 2005 it had drawn 60 per cent of the nationwide television audience. Newspapers said the show had conveyed the message on rainwater harvesting and wastewater recycling techniques in a delightful and entertaining story about the girl Jalpari whose parents would not let her a marry a Kathmandu boy because of water scarcity in the city. In the film's happy end, Jalpari’s parents finally agree to the marriage after seeing how the boy’s family had adopted proper water conservation techniques at home.

The film was produced by NGO Forum for Urban Water and Sanitation and the Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO) with technical support from UN HABITAT as part of the campaign to observe 2005 as the Year of Rainwater. Water Aid Nepal, and IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre also supported the film.

NotesNepali spoken, English subtitled
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