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TitlePrivatisation of urban water and sewerage services in Turkey : some trends
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsCinar, T
Paginationp. 350 - 364 : 2 fig., 3 tab.
Date Published2009-05-01
Keywordscase studies, government organizations, local level, privatization, sdiasi, sdiman, sewerage, turkey, urban areas, water supply

This article describes the experience of privatised urban water-supply and sewerage services in Turkey, focusing on the cases of three cities that have opted for such privatisation. The article opens with an examination of the management of urban water and sewerage services in Turkey and explores the development of water services and water policies in local government institutions. The second section introduces case studies of cities that have transferred the management, operation, and maintenance of urban water services to private operators. (Publisher's abstract)

Notes14 ref.
Custom 1822, 202.2



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