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TitleTeaching ecological sanitation in schools : a compilation of manuals and fact sheets
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsMorgan, P, Shangwa, A
Pagination335 p. : ill.
Date Published2010-03-01
PublisherEcoSanRes, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
Place PublishedStockholm, Sweden
Keywordsappropriate technology, manuals, sanitation, schools, sdisan

This document includes manuals originally written as chapters for a book which is still being researched and compiled. The chapters have been converted into manuals which can be used separately if required. The technologies so far described do not represent the full range of options available and additional toilet designs and plant trials will be added as time proceeds.
The ecological sanitation programme for schools described in these manuals and fact sheets reveals the early findings of a pilot study. Whilst this work describes how children can build toilets and how they can learn to recycle human excreta to make more food that forms just a small part of the whole story. What is important is that strong links are made between the sanitation component and many other areas of practical development and ecology.

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