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TitleChallenges to Finnish water and wastewater services in the next 20–30 years
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsHeino, OA, Takala, AJ, Katko, TS
Secondary TitleE-WAter
Pagination20 p.; 1 fig.
Date Published2011-03-24
PublisherEuropean Water Association, EWA
Place PublishedTampere, Finland
Keywordsfinland, infrastructure, wastewater, wastewater treatment, water supply services, water treatment

This questionnaire ranked 29 identified challenges for Finnish water services in the next 20–30 years. The respondents consisted of 48 experts representing equally four interest groups: utility experts, consultants, authorities and associations, and researchers and educators. The three most urgent challenges were Aging infrastructure, Vulnerability and risk management, and Human resources and know-how. In a wider context most of the identified challenges are related to aging infrastructure and competence development. [authors abstract]

NotesWith 25 references
Custom 1821




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