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Published on: 07/04/2014

On the 4th of April, a conference on “Improving Resilience Building Water Strategies in Arid Lands” has gathered about 100 participants in Nairobi, Kenya.

The conference aimed at sharing experiences of the Kenya Arid Lands Disaster Risk Reduction (KALDRR) WASH program with experts of the WASH and the WRM (Water Resource Management) sectors.

After opening remarks from USAID and MWA representatives (Mark Carrato and Rafael Callejas respectively), three sessions were organised:

  1. A first session where IRC and Acacia Water presented the tools and methodologies used within KALDRR-WASH, based on the RIDA framework (Resource, Infrastructure, Demand and Access), to assess the hydrological potential of targeted areas and to identify the Multiple Use of water Service (MUS). Experiences from representatives from Wajir and Marsabit counties were also shared,
  2. A second session where Kenyan stakeholders could present and share their experience in resilience building strategy: NDMA (National Disaster Management Authority) on their role and responsibilities; JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) on their experience in supporting communities against drought in Northern Kenya) and UNISDR (United Nation office for Disaster Risk Reduction) on their role and strategy in resilience building.
  3. Finally, a panel discussion and Q&A with the audience on replication and up-scaling of resilience strategies.

As co organisers of this conference, Acacia Water, IRC and Aqua for All have prepared and distributed a brochure presenting the KALDRR-WASH and its progress up to date. The brochure is available for download.

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