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The data set includes expenditure and service level data and a sample of the survey tools used to collect this data.

TitleExpenditure and service level data for water supply systems and sanitation facilities in Mozambique
Publication TypeDatabase
Year of Publication2013
Pagination9 files
Date Published03/2013
Place PublishedThe Hague, the Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish

This data set contains expenditure and service level data for water supply systems and sanitation facilities in Mozambique. Additionally a sample of the survey tools used to collect this data are provided. Primary data collection was conducted in 2010 using household and water point surveys. Specific secondary data on water and sanitation costs was collected in close collaboration with the National Directorate for Water (DNA). This includes over 300 governmental contracts on the construction and rehabilitation sourced of boreholes with handpumps collected from the National  Information System for Water and Sanitation (SINAS) database.

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