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There is a need for strong institutional systems and community involvement to address and reduce WASH humanitarian needs over the long term, and to achieve sustainable development of WASH services.

TitleWASH resilience, conflict sensitivity and peacebuilding : joint operational framework
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsGrieve, T, Panzerbieter, T, Rück, J
Paginationiii, 49 p. : 5 fig., 9 tab.
Date Published09/2023
PublisherTriple Nexus in WASH Initiative of German WASH Network, Global WASH Clusters, Sanitation and Water for all Partnership and UNICEF
Place PublishedBerlin, Germany
Keywordsnexus approach; WASH resilience; humanitarian aid; humanitarian-development-peace Nexus; peacebuilding

This document discusses the importance of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in the context of resilience, conflict sensitivity, and peacebuilding. It emphasizes the need for strong institutional systems and community involvement to address and reduce WASH humanitarian needs over the long term, and to achieve sustainable development of WASH services. The document presents a joint operational framework (JOF), which sets out the thinking, theory of change and key steps for putting the triple nexus approach (referring to the interlinkages between the humanitarian, development and peace sectors) into practice within the WASH sector along with establishing strong linkages with the integrated water resource management (IWRM) sector.


Incl. glossary, list of tools and case studies, and 75 ref.

Citation Key90736


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