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75821 (1)
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Climate and water security (15)
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Finance (32)
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Hygiene (24)
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Planning and monitoring (75)
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Policy and politics (68)
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Sanitation (109)
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Systems approach (36)
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Water (2)
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Completed Projects (2)
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Completed Projects (1)
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Triple-S (1)
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Peru (229)
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Bolivia (36)
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Colombia (27)
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Honduras (25)
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Niger (3)
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Nigeria (3)
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Guidance notes on services for the urban poor : a practical guide for improving water and sanitation services
Participatory water monitoring : a guide for preventing and managing conflict : advisory note
Global experiences on expanding services to the urban poor : accompanying volume to the guidance notes on improving water supply and sanitation services for the urban poor in India
The private sector and sanitation for the poor : a promising approach for inclusive markets in Peru
Promoting hygiene behaviour change within c-imci : the Peru and Nicaragua experience
Global experiences on expanding water and sanitation services to the urban poor : accompanying volume to the guidance notes on services for the urban poor
La participación comunitaria en el plan nacional de agua potable y alcantarillado rural del Perú
La Asociación de Usuarios en la gestión de servicios de agua en localidades rurales múltiples : el caso de El Ingenio en Ica, Nasca, Peru
Evaluacion de los operadores locales de pequena escala de agua y saneamiento en el Peru
Fog collection's role in water planning for developing countries
Seminar internacional manejo y uso del agua en los distritos de riego del 3 al 17 de diciembre de 1972 en Mexico
Study of rural water supply and sanitation in Peru
Progress evaluation of the rural water systems and environmental sanitation project Peru
Gobernabilidad e infraestructura hídrica urbana; un caso de estudio de Lima, Perú
Taller sobre abastecimiento de agua potable y saneamiento en zonas rurales y areas urbanas marginadas en las Americas, 17-22 noviembre 1980, Lima, Peru
Saneamiento para el desarrollo : como estamos en 21 paises de America Latina y el Caribe?
Evaluación global de los servicios de agua y saneamiento 2000 : informe analítico : resumen Perú
Mitos y leyendas del agua en el Peru : recopilado por escolares peruanos para las generaciones presentes y futuras
Water rights reform : lessons for institutional design
Desafíos y propuestas para la implementación más efectiva de instrumentos económicos en la gestión ambiental de América Latina y el Caribe : el caso de Perú
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maladies diarrhéiques
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équité et genre
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gestion des ressources en eau
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gestion communautaire
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lavage des mains
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eaux usées
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renforcement des capacités
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traitement des eaux usées
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infections bactériennes
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distribution de l'eau
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Journal Article (33)
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Book (19)
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Conference Paper (17)
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