Former IRC Associate
Uganda has done well in terms of expanding coverage but, like many countries, it struggles to sustain water services. What do those involved say about the challenges and possible solutions? Read more...
The Triple-S initiative is about taking the best international thinking available, combining it with extensive Ugandan knowledge and expertise, and adapting it to the situation on the ground. There is a lot that the Ugandan water sector is doing well, and Triple-S is taking these positive examples... Read more...
The Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA) is leading Triple-S in Ghana in partnership with IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre . Read more...
Regular collection, collation and analysis of reliable data is a crucial building block in delivering sustainable services. Monitoring systems should track not only access, but the quality of a service over time, as well as performance of operators in key technical, financial, and management... Read more...
Harmonisation and coordination entails all actors –national and local government, donors, lending banks, NGOs and other water sector stakeholders – recognizing and adhering to common principles and approaches when supporting rural water services. It includes the principles of 'aid effectiveness',... Read more...
This report on Self-supply aims to help fill some of the gaps in our knowledge about the existing performance of traditional wells, especially water... Read more...