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Title3rd Congress of Union of African Water Suppliers and International Water Supply Association : regional conference, Gabon, 10-15 June, 1985 = 3eme congress de l''Union Africaine des Distributeurs d''Eau : conference regionale
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication1985
AuthorsUnion of African Water Suppliers -Abidjan, IC, Union africaine des Distributeurs d'Eau
Pagination1 vol. (24 papers)
Date Published1985-01-01
PublisherUnion of African Water Suppliers (Union africaine des Distributeurs d'Eau)
Place PublishedAbidjan, Ivory Coast
Keywordsafrica, case studies, community participation, energy, financing, idwssd, m, maintenance, piped distribution, rural supply systems, urban areas
Custom 1260, 71

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