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TitleAlimentation en eau d'une communaute : manuel de formation des usagers : aide-memoire de formation pour la participation populaire destine aux beneficiaires des PSTP
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsFlanagan, D
Pagination101 p.: ill.
Date Published1988-01-01
PublisherInternational Labour Office (ILO)
Place PublishedGeneva, Switzerland
ISBN Number9222059433
Keywordscommunity participation, health education, hygiene, manuals, safe water supply, springwater tapping, training courses, water committees, water-related diseases, well construction
NotesBibliography: p. 100-101
Custom 1203.2, 204.1, 205.1
Translated TitleCommunity water supply : a manual for user education : a community participation training element for SPWP user beneficiaries

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